As new seafloor is formed, a series of high spots and depressions is formed on each side of the growing seafloor area. what is the name for the high spots


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is Mid-Ocean Ridge.

The high spots in the newly formed seafloor are called Mid-Ocean Ridge. It refers to the series of high spots and depression which are formed on each side of the growing seafloor area. In short, it is an underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonics. It typically have valleys known as rift.

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Final answer:

Science is composed of a body of knowledge and the scientific methods used to acquire it. This includes laws, theories, and systems for conducting scientific inquiry. Sciences can be broadly categorized into natural sciences and social sciences.


The two key components of science are the body of knowledge and the methods of gaining that knowledge. The body of knowledge incorporates laws and theories which are general truths about the universe. The second component is the scientific method, involving observation, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and conclusion. These methods represent the systematic approach to uncover the principles governing the natural world.

For instance, with respect to physics, the focus is on describing interactions of energy, matter, space, and time. It's also important to remember that science is a study in progress, and therefore what we 'know' can change as techniques and our understanding progress over time.

Science is broken down into two broad categories, the natural sciences and the social sciences. Natural sciences include disciplines like biology, chemistry, and physics, while social sciences focus on human behavior and society. Both categories aim to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world and how it operates.

Learn more about Components of Science here:


physical and biology