Which of these was the basic idea of the New Deal? the Supreme Court is responsible to the executive branchb. Energy production should be solely the concern of private enterprise
c. States’ rights have priority over rights of the federal government Eliminate
d. the federal government has a major responsibility for ensuring economic prosperity


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is d. the federal government has a major responsibility for ensuring economic prosperity. The New Deal was Roosevelt's program on which he was elected President of the USA in 1933. The major points of the program were to ensure economic prosperity by reducing unemployment, dealing with devastation, introducing welfare for the poor, and increasing the extent of goverment role in the economy.
Answer 2

The belief that the federal government has a major responsibility for ensuring economic prosperity was the major principle behind the New Deal. It increased federal government spending for and involvement in many aspects of American life and economics.

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Answer: Preserve an independent and democratic South Vietnam, but it withdrew and the country united under communism.


The United States intervened in Vietnam fearing the domino theory, which stated that a country falling into communism would provoke its surrounding nations to do the same. Americans were torn by the opposition to the conflict, forcing President Richard Nixon to dictate the withdrawal of U.S. forces. In 1975, communist troops seized power over South Vietnam and unified the country as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


preserve an independent and democratic South Vietnam, but it withdrew and the country united under communism


I did the test it is correct

What are some ways the American Revo|ution affected women?


as men went off  war it let woman   to fill    the jobs   typically   fulfilled   by men

Whose actions sparked the Montgomery bus boycott?a)Rosa Parks
b)Martin Luther King Jr.
c)Malcolm X
d)W. E. B. DuBois


A) Rosa Parks actions sparked the Montgomery bus boycott. She was forced to move to the back of the bus to give her seat up for a white woman, but refused to. During this time period in the South, African Americans were supposed to sit in the back of the bus, and could only sit in the front of the bus if no Whites were on the bus at the same time.
It is A cause Rosa Parks sparked the event. She was ordered to sit in the back of the bus, but she refused and sat in the front. She was arrested and after that African-Americans refused to take buses. Hoped I helped ;)

Which Allied leader is described below? His actions at the peace conference reflected the desire of the English people to punish Germany for the destruction and suffering of World War I. He believed Germany had to be punished for World War I, but not to the extent that Germany was left powerless and destitute. He wanted Germany to serve as a barrier to resist the spread of Communism. Woodrow Wilson / David Lloyd / George Georges Clemenceau/ Vittorio Orlando


The answer is David Lloyd George.

The mentioned conference was the Versailles Peace Conference that took place in 1919, after the world war I. It set the peace terms for vanquished Germany.

David Lloyd George, a Prime Minister of Britain, was one of the three great statesmen at the Conference. He found himself in the middle, between an American President who proposed peaceful negotiations to a long-lasting peace in Europe, that included not only to go easier on Germany but also conditions for all countries involved (Disarmament, free trade, freedom of the seas, open diplomacy, etc) and the Prime Minister of France, who wanted a ruthless revenge and to weaken Germany so it'd never be able to invade another country again.

George's personal view was to make justice, but not revenge, to impose some reparations on Germany, but not be too harsh on them to the point that it ruined their economy since eventually, Europe would have to reconcile with Germany and ruining its economy would affect others nation's economies as well. He was also concerned that the Communist of the Russian Revolution of 1917 would spread west, so the treaty should leave Germany strong enough to stop them.  

He tried his best to persuade the other leaders on this, but others British politicians wanted harsh reparations as well.

Though the treaty resulting was certainly harsh on Germany, it is believed that it could've been worse if George hasn't had tried to get to a halfway point between U.S. and France.

David Lloyd George. He represented the United Kingdom at the Treaty of Versailles. He wanted the removal of the German High Seas fleet, but he did not want to completely browbeat the Germans, unlike the French representative  Georges Benjamin Clemenceau.

Why did 19th century democrats not like using federal money to build transportation systems?


They were concerned that getting the government involved would hurt states' rights.

they were worried that if they did it would infringe on states' rights causing more problems

As Great Britain's economy was collapsing, much of the British Commonwealth followed. One exception was Canada. Why was this the case


One of the exception why canada did not affected much by the collapse of the Great Britain's economy is :Canada was pretty much self - sufficient

Other commonwealth countries seems to be reliant on the British central government, which will make them fall if the stability of the british central economy is disrupted. But Canada is not one of them


The correct answer is that Canada was self-sufficient.


As Great Britain's economy was collapsing, much of the British Commonwealth followed. The exception was Canada because Canada was self-sufficient.

Canada had the proper means of production and plenty of natural resources such as wood, lakes, and sea to maintain certain stability during the collapse of Great Britain's economy. Canadian people were prepared con counter the economic difficulties of the moment, to the opposite of other members of the Commonwealth. This helped Canada to sort out the difficult moments and thrive after a while.