Which statement about events at the end of the Second World War is true? A. The United States demanded huge reparation payments from Germany and Japan. B. Italy became a Soviet-dominated satellite with a communist government. C. The Soviet Union rebuilt the shattered economies of France and Great Britain. D. Under the Marshall Plan, the U.S. offered aid to European nations to prevent them from turning to communism.


Answer 1
Answer: The statement about the events at the end of the Second World War that is true is A) The United States demanded huge reparation payments from Germany and Japan. 

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Passive voice of the next morning we claimed a mountain.​



The next morning, the mountain was climbed by us.

Hope this helped!

10 sentences with word went and 10 word are short


1)I went to the store.
2)I went to get my jacket.
3)I went to the store.
4)I went to my friend's house.
5)I went to bake a cake.
6)I went to school.
7) I went to the hospital.
8) I went to do my homework. 
9) I went to play a game. 
10) I went to play outside. 

Hope that helped:)
I went to school.
I went home.
I went to the park.
I went to get paper.
I went away.
I went on the phone.
I went to my lawn.
I went to my room.
I went to the barn.
I went to the farm.

A bowl shaped low place on a surface is a


concavement or indent

What is a relative clause ?


A relative clause is a clause within a sentence that cannot stand by its own, but describes a noun in the main clause. You can identify it by a relative pronoun, such as "who", "where", "when".

For example in the sentence

A man, who is not happy, is sitting.

the relative clause is this one:

who is not happy,

A relative clause is a clause that modifies a noun.  A relative clause is often called an adjective clause because it functions as an adjective in a sentence.

A relative clause is introduced by a relative pronoun, a relative adverb, or a zero relative.

Relative pronouns are which, that, who, whom, whose.

e.g.  She is the person to whom I have sent the letter.

Relative adverbs are where, when, why.

e.g.  I will always rememberthe daywhen I met her.

A zero relative is occuring when we omit the relative pronoun.

e.g.  The man you hired  is not very responsible. (the relative pronoun is left out because it is the object of the relative clause)

In "All the World's a Stage," to what does Shakespeare compare all men and women? A.





In "All the World's a Stage," Shakespeare compares all men and women to actors. The correct answer is C. He says "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players..." He compares life to a play, where everyone is an actor acting in their own respective plays.

I’m a work fiction what is the term for the series of events that builds towards the climax


I'm pretty darn sure that it is the rising action

the correct answer is RISING ACTION