I need help pronto I don’t understand the B. part
I need help pronto I don’t understand the B. part - 1


Answer 1
Answer: All right eceept 2.asi 3.aceptar 4.la cansion

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Cual es la idea principal


En análisis textual y análisis del discurso, unaidea es el contenido cognitivo o comprensión intuitiva que tiene un individuo de un tema, asunto o estado de hechos. En un texto, hay dos tipos de ideas, las ideas principales y las ideas secundarias.

How do you conjugate the verb beber for vosotros/as (the blank square)


bebéis. spanishdict.com is a great website to use if you're stuck on conjurgations or figuring out words :)
To conjugate any er verb for vosotros, you take the er off the end and add éis to the end.

Choose the correct conditional tense form of hablar. Ella ____ cob la maestra.

a. hablaría
b. hablarías
c. hablaríamos
d. hablarían





Ella hablaría con la maestra.

the answer is a!!!!!! i

I need help with number 2


1) gusta

2) me

3) gusta

4) le

5) ella

6) les

7) quieren

I hope I helped!



1) Gusta (likes)

2) Me (i like)

3) Gustan (i like)

4) Le (she likes)

5)Ella (her)

6)Les (they)

7)Quieren (they want)


In the paranthases (...)

As always, its been a pleasure answering and remember to mark brainly!

Select one of the following story types: a myth, legend, fable, fairytale or parable. Research a short story from another culture to give you an idea on how to start and what to include in your original short story.

Remember to follow the steps for writing a short story and to include the elements of E.D.D. as well as mythical, magical, or imaginary elements.

You must also include at least two key characteristics of the story type you chose.

Make sure to use at least three different tenses, one “if” clause, one example of subjunctive mood and one example of indicative mood.

Using this information, complete your La plantilla de escribir: un cuento original.

Review your work.

Make sure to write your original story in your own words, using correct grammar and vocabulary in Spanish. Remember to edit your rough draft using the instructions in the lesson. Turn in your completed template.



This is a whole assignment that youre asking for...


Hoy hace frío. ¿Qué debe llevar Carlitos?A. una blusa
B. un suéter
C. una camiseta
D. un traje de baño



the answer is B


The correct answer would be B