What is the Compact Muon Solenoid used to study?


Answer 1
Answer: The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment  is a particle physic detector which is used to investigate and search for the Higgs Boson, and particles that is related to dark matter. Other goals of this experiment is to for evidence such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions. It is built on a LHC or Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland and France. 
Answer 2


It is designed to accurately detect and study Muons.


Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is part of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of CERN and has a use as a general purpose detector. It weighs around 14000 Tonne and built around a giant solenoid magnet. That's how it got its name: Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). It generates 4 Tesla magnetic field  that is around 100000 times the Earth's magnetic field. A yoke made up of steel is used to confine this intense field. This strong magnetic field is used to bend the path of particles.

In LHC, protons are accelerated to a very high speed in clockwise and anticlockwise direction and then collided with each other. On collision particles will be sprayed out in all directions. CMS takes the photograph and collects data during these collisions. Its main purpose is to detect Muons which are around 200 times heavier than electrons.

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Critical thinking requires that _______.


Conclusions be adjusted as necessary to incorporate new knowledge.
Hope this helps =)
im taking an integrated physics and chemistry test rite now! 

Final answer:

Critical thinking requires the ability to gather information, analyze and evaluate it to form a judgment. It requires reflective, clear reasoning and emphasizes deep analysis and interpretation. Enhancing these skills can occur through various academic avenues, including the study of philosophy and legal systems.


Critical thinking requires that an individual is able to identify and solve problems by gathering information about a topic and then analyzing and evaluating evidence to form a judgment. It involves a set of skills, habits, and attitudes that promote reflective, clear reasoning. It encourages an approach that goes beyond the surface of words and images to deeply analyze, interpret, and evaluate aspects of a given topic.

Studying philosophy, courts, and judiciary systems, or examining critical thinking questions in various academic settings can actually enhance your ability to think critically. It encourages learners to demonstrate their understanding by applying what they have learned in different contexts using reasoning and outside-the-box thinking. It pushes the students to places they wouldn't have thought of going to themselves.

Every functioning government must have a functioning judicial system. Critical thinking skills are utilized in careers within legal systems and beyond, making them highly valued skills in the job market.

Learn more about Critical Thinking here:



Okay i'm totally stuck and nobody I know really gets it either, so i've turned to Yahoo for help :) Basically there are four aliens on a planet. They want to go on a sea-saw. The end seats on the sea-saw are 2m from the pivot, and the middle seats are 1m from the pivot. The Aliens way 400N, 300N, 200N and 100N - which two can sit on the sea-saw (on any of the seats) and make it balance? It'd be a huge help if you at least help me work out the answer! :)


Here is the rule for see-saws here on Earth, and there is no reason
to expect that it doesn't work exactly the same anywhere else:

                     (weight) x (distance from the pivot) on one side
is equal to
                     (weight) x (distance from the pivot) on the other side.

That's why, when Dad and Tiny Tommy get on the see-saw, Dad sits
closer to the pivot and Tiny Tommy sits farther away from it.

       (Dad's weight) x (short length) = (Tiny Tommy's weight) x (longer length).

So now we come to the strange beings on the alien planet.
There are three choices right away that both work:

(400 N) in the middle-seat, facing (200 N) in the end-seat.

       (400) x (1)  =    (200) x (2)

(200 N) in the middle-seat, facing (100 N) in the end-seat.

       (200) x (1)  =    (100) x (2)


On one side:  (300 N) in the end-seat       (300) x (2) = 600

On the other side:
                      (400 N) in the middle-seat  (400) x (1) = 400
           and     (100 N) in the end-seat      (100) x (2) = 200
                                                    Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 

These are the only ones to be identified at Harvard . . . . . . .
There may be many others but they haven't been discarvard.

400N and 100N on one side and 300N and 200N on the other side

Is it possible to fly from Norway to USA across the North Pole?


Sure.  The Earth is a sphere (ball-shaped), so you can follow practically
any route you want from one place to another.  You could even fly from
New York to Chicago by way of the north pole.

If you want to draw a smooth curve from Oslo through the north pole to
a point in the USA, that's perfectly possible.  But it's not the shortest way
to travel between those two points.

The peak intensity of radiation from Star Beta is 350 nm. What is the average surface temperature of Star Beta rounded to the nearest whole number? 121 K 6,547 K 8,285 K 10,348 K


Wien's Displacement Law is:
peak x surface temperature = 2.898 x 10^-3 m K

surface temperature = 2.898 x 10^-3 m K / peak = 2.898 x 10^-3 m K / 350 x 10 -9 m
surface temperature = 8280 K

The closest to the choices is 8285 K.


8285 K.


Harnessing the sun's energy to produce heat or electricity is _____.. A. non-polluting . B.inexpensive . C. possible only in coastal areas. D. a mojor source of air pollution.


harnessing the sun's energy to produce heat or electricity is : A. Non - Polluting

This energy generating method will cause no dangerous emission for environment (unlike the one that came from fossil fuel), but the energy that produced from the sun tend to be more expensive so it's still not widely used

hope this helps
Harnessing the sun's energy to produce heat or electricity is _____.

Answer: Out of all the options shown above the one that completes the statement above and makes it true is answer choice A. non-polluting. This is called solar power which is also a renewable resource.

I hope it helps, Regards.

You check a barometer and observe that the air pressure has been dropping all day. Is tonight's weather more likely to be calm or stormy?


If you had been checking the barometer and observe that the air pressure has been dropping all day, tonight's weather more likely to be stormy. Stormy weathers have low pressure climate