What was Newtons first law


Answer 1
Answer: Newton's first law is inertia. It is a law that you see in regular life. It states that a object that is still will stay still except for if a force acts on it. The law also states that a object in motion will continue at the same velocity except for if a force acts on it. The thing is that objects in motion are being slowed down by friction and air resistance and gravity
Answer 2
Answer: It states that each object will stay very still or in uniform movement in a straight line unless constrained to change its state by the activity of an outer power.

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During an experiment a student measured the temperature of water while it boiled in a pot on a stove. The temperature of the water stayed at 100°C during the entire time that the water was boiling.



The temperature of the water stayed at 100^(0) C because the temperature of a pure water does not increase at its boiling point, 100^(0) C. This is due to latent heat of vaporisation.


During a change of state of a substance, the temperature does not change due to latent heat of the substance. Latent heat is the amount of heat required to convert a unit mass of a substance from one state to another without a change in its temperature. There are two types of latent heat, latent heat of fusion anf latent heat of vaporisation.

So during the experiment, the water got to its boiling point and continues to boil at this constant temperature until it would change completely to steam at that temperature. After the conversion process, the temperature begins to increase.

The latent heat of vaporisation came into action during the process of boiling the water at constant temperature. That's why the temperature of the water did not increase even after reaching its boiling point (100^(0) C ).


c,interpretation of the data


A good scientific explanation needs to be based on both data collected in an investigation and on the ability to interpret what the data means.

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Can someone help me pls! Ack I accidently put chemistry. This is math LoL


87.5% (126/144) 126 is from subtracting 144 and 18