What is considered Reagan’s strongest legacy? With what world leader did he work closely on this action?


Answer 1
Answer: Ronald Reagan was the first American president who was able to stop the Cold War. This became his strongest legacy. He was able to restore peace with the Soviet Union as he and the Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev was able to set a peaceful resolution during the summit. 

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Immediately upon his election, what short-term solution did Franklin Roosevelt use to end the run on bank withdrawals? Select one:
a. fireside chat
b. bank holiday
c. Glass-Steagall Act
d. Federal Securities Act


The best answer is B. Immediately upon his election, the short-term solution that Franklin Roosevelt used to end the run on bank withdrawals was a "bank holiday". All Washington State banks were closed and there was a declaration of a three-day holiday. By doing so, it was impossible for people to withdraw funds.

The correct answer is B.  Franklin Roosevelt used the bank holidays, imposed through the Emergency Banking Act, to end the run on bank withdrawals.

The Emergency Banking Act was a law passed by the United States Congress, proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression in the early days of its mandate, on March 9, 1933.

The Law formulated a plan according to which all banks of manifest insolvency were definitively closed, allowing operations only to banks that proved to be sufficiently solvent to sustain themselves. Only the latter could open their doors again after the National Bank Holiday of four days decreed by President Roosevelt from 9 to 13 March 1933.

The law went into effect along with a guarantee from the Federal Reserve to provide funds to solvent banks that could reopen, which in fact caused the federal government to insure 100% of bank deposits. This confidence caused that when the banks reopened on March 13 of 1933, the depositors returned to deposit their funds in these, in sharp contrast with the massive deposit withdrawals that had happened in previous months.

Passage of the Twelfth Amendment was adirect result of the
(A) controversy that arose when the election
of 1824 was settled in the House of
(B) difficulties that resulted from not having
separate presidential and vice presidential
elections in the electoral college in
the election of 1800
(C) revolution of 1800
(D) one-man, one-vote system of the electoral
(E) loss of the 1888 presidential election by
Grover Cleveland to Benjamin Henry


The answer is B) Difficulties that resulted from not having separate presidential and vice presidential election in the electoral college in the election of 1800. Before this change, they basically just chose the runner up president as a VP.

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D, I think. Because The improvements of transportation made farmers move thanks to boom cities...


a- improvements in transportation


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B. "Devil on horseback with a gun"
C. "Criminal bandit"
D. "Paramilitary assassin"


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "B. "Devil on horseback with a gun" Sudanese violence against non-Arab peoples in the western province of Darfur has introduced the world to the term Janjaweed. The term can be translate as "Devil on horseback with a gun" 
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