Early romantic music was influenced by which composer?


Answer 1

Early Romantic music was influenced by the composer Ludwig van Beethoven.

Who was Beethoven?

Beethoven was a pivotal figure in the transition from the Classical period to the Romantic period of music. While he lived during the late Classical era, his compositions, especially his later works, foreshadowed the emotional and expressive characteristics that would become central to the Romantic musical style.

Beethoven's innovative use of harmony, expanded forms, and emotional depth paved the way for the Romantic composers who followed him. His music often conveyed intense emotions and a sense of individual expression, which became hallmarks of the Romantic era. Composers like Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt, and Hector Berlioz, among others, were directly influenced by Beethoven's works and contributed to the development of Early Romantic music.

Learn more about romantic music at



Answer 2
Answer: Beethoven is the correct answer

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