mountains rift valleys and strike-slip faults are examples of land features that are formed by plate tectonics


Answer 1
Answer: I think you want to know whether the statement in question is true or false. Based on this assumption, i am answering the question and hope that it comes to your help. It is a true fact that mountains rift valleys and strike slip faults are examples of land features that are formed by plate tectonics.

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Geography is the study of earths landscapes, people, places, and enviroments. I hope this helps.
Geography is the study of Earth's landscapes, peoples, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live. Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences (human geography) with the natural sciences (physical geography).

What enables Dna to have so many variations with only 4 chemicals?



Different combinations between these four set of chemicals


There can be billions of combinations between the four chemicals of DNA. The four set of chemicals i.e nucleotide (generally referred to as bases) namely -  

A- Adenine  

T- Thymine  

C - Cytosine  

G - Guanine

These nucleotide form codon i.e set of three nucleotide and form chain structure which can be long up to any extent.  

Codon example - ATC TGA

Thus, variation in combination of four nucleotide and ability to form long chain of codon allows DNA to have several forms and variations

Even though DNA only has 4 nitrogenous bases there can be variety of combinations for DNA.  One difference in combination would mean a different DNA strand. 

Plants have a cell wall made of cellulose. What is the function of the cell wall in plants? A) The cell wall controls division of the cell. B) The cell wall provides structure to the cell. C) The cell wall controls the functions of the cell. D) The cell wall manufactures proteins for the cell.


The main job of the cell wall made out of cellulose would be to provide structure to the cell - B. 

Having structure through the cellulose present in cell walls is essential for plants because their structure often also dictates their function. 

A the cell wall controls division of the cell

Two insect groups vary genetically by two genes. When put together, they were able to reproduce and produce offspring that could also breed. Which best describes this insect population?


The answer is The insects are the same species.

Species is a group of similar organisms able to reproduce (to exchange genes and interbreed) only within the group. That means that organisms from different species could not exchange genes. Since mentioned insect groups are able to reproduce and produce offspring that could also breed, these groups belong to the same species. If they could not reproduce and  produce offspring that could also breed, these groups would belong to the different species.




The insects are the same species.

1. Angel is listing what he can do. Angel is listing his : A. Interests.
B. Values.
C. Skills
D. Personality traits

2. A good carrer choice combines your:

A. Skills and interests
B. Values and stories
C. Self-assesments and personality
D. Memories and goals

3. Lili is making a list of her favorite accomplishments . she is listing:

A. Pride experiences
B. Transferable skills
C values
D. All of these

4. Which of the following can help you better remember your experiences?

A.looking at your belongings
B. Asking friends and relatives


1. Angel is listing what he can do. Angel is listing his :
C. Skills

2. A good career choice combines your:

C. Self-assesments and personality

3. Lili is making a list of her favorite accomplishments she is listing:

D. All of these

4. Which of the following can help you better remember your experiences?

A.looking at your belongings


1)The correct answer is option C

Angel is listing his skills.

things which any person can perform is called Skills of the person.

2)The correct answer is option A

A good career is the combination of  Skills and interest.

When a person have an excellent skills to perform his job then he will have good career and also he should have interest in his job.

3) The correct answer is option A

Lili making a list of her favorite accomplishment she is making list of Pride Experiences.

4) The correct answer is option C

you can have better experience when you looking at your belonging.

Experiencing things by himself will help you better remember your experiences.

Alchemy was practiced: -in the Middle Ages -by modern chemists -by Renaissance scientists


Alchemy was practiced in the middle ages, during the medieval period, around 1200-1300 AD

It was practiced in the Middle Ages