Negative impacts of social networks on individuals right to privacy and safety


Answer 1
Answer: In resentment of being well known, Social Networks contain individual information and classified data about yourself that are inclined to hacking and most pessimistic scenario, it can jeopardise your security. 
The Social Network can be addictive in a specific zone. Committing a lot of time to it, one will lose concentrate on the day by day house tasks and over the long haul will make somebody as a languid being. 

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How may increasing strength decreased susceptibility to injury?


It strengthens your bones to be able to handle large amounts of pressure and weight on your body.

What is injury?

Any physiological harm to living tissue brought on by immediate physical stress is referred to as an injury.

An injury can be brought on by a blunt trauma, a piercing trauma, burning, toxic exposure, asphyxiation, or overexertion, and it can also happen accidentally. Any area of the body can become injured, and each injury has a unique set of symptoms.

Major injuries are normally treated by a medical practitioner, and the type of treatment depends considerably on the injury. The most frequent reason for accidental human injury and injury-related death is traffic crashes. Even while an injury can be a contributing factor to any of these, injuries are distinct from chronic diseases, psychological stress, infections, or medical procedures.

Therefore, It strengthens your bones to be able to handle large amounts of pressure and weight on your body.

To learn more about injury, refer to the link:


It strengthens your bones to be able to handle large amounts of pressure and weight on your body. I know this isn't related, but when a person breaks their ankle or something else they tend to heal quicker because they're athletes. So one way or another, increasing strength, helps to increase your capacity for exercising.

These types of unhealthy people will often do almost anything for the approval of others.a. fixers
b. centers
c. enablers
d. people pleasers


People pleasers will do most anything for approval.

Describe the lifestyle disease


heart disease stuff like that

How media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way


Media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way, because media feeds us bad information, making us think negatively. It effects our belief's because it tells us the wrong things on our belief and sometimes we fall for it and it hurts us, because we just think we are wrong and they are right, even though we are right, It hurts us mentally and physically, and takes it in a negative way, which effects us. So the best thing to do is ignore the media, and whatever they say, because at one point of your life, it will effect you. 

Hope I helped ya!! xD
Media affects our values and beliefs in a negative way, this is very accurate based on many studies. 

Peradventure a young man had his own beliefs and cultures, and signs up for a social media account. He slowly gets influenced on the celebrities and how they act. At first, he only watched the media and subscribed to their channels, later on, he started to ACT like them. 

This is an example, and it shows that many people can get influenced on just seeing video's and perhaps even a show. They could all effect how a person acts, as that person would see that everyone else seems to be doing that, and copies that act. 

Very dangerous, watch out people. 

In addition, getting on the media is not a bad thing, its just something that can turn severe if you do not watch out. 

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Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in


Developing skill-related components of fitnesswill result in improvements in sport-specific performances. The differentskill-related components of fitness are: agility, balance, coordination, speed,power, and reaction time. Professional athletes are known to excel in all ofthese areas.
In order foran individual to gradually develop these skills, he/she must include specificactivities that suit each component. If an individual wants to improve agilityin basketball, he can practice through running around cone drills. This isbecause agility is the ability of the body to change directions from one pointto another. The same goes if an individual wants to improve balance ingymnastics, he/she must perform more routines on balance beams to develop thisskill. 

Thetraining program should always be sport-specific, meaning what the athlete issupposed to do exactly in a game, in order to develop the differentskill-related components of fitness.

Final answer:

Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance and reduced risk of injuries.


Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance in activities that require these specific skills. These components include agility, speed, power, coordination, balance, and reaction time. For example, a basketball player who works on improving their agility and coordination will be able to move more quickly and efficiently on the court, leading to better performance in the game.

By developing these skills, athletes can enhance their overall athletic abilities and excel in their chosen sport or activity. These skill-related components of fitness are important for athletes in many different sports, such as soccer, gymnastics, martial arts, and track and field.

In addition to improving performance, developing these skill-related components of fitness can also help prevent injuries. For instance, a soccer player who has good balance and coordination will be less likely to trip or fall during a game, reducing the risk of sprains or fractures. Therefore, it is crucial for athletes to focus on developing these skills in order to maximize their potential and minimize the risk of injuries.

Learn more about Skill-related components of fitness here:


An individual has sarcopenia In order to prevent this condition from becoming any worse, what action should be taken?


Sarcopenia is a condition that involves the loss of muscle tissue, and is part of the natural ageing process. Because it comes with ageing, it cannot really be stopped. However, there are some things you can do to prevent it or slow it down. Treatment includes: diet, hormone replacement, and exercise.

Final answer:

To prevent sarcopenia from worsening, an individual must engage in regular physical activity, maintain a diet rich in proteins, Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, and keep a healthy body weight.


Sarcopenia is a condition characterized by the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, which often affects older people. In order to prevent this condition from worsening, specific prevention strategies should be incorporated into the individual's lifestyle. These strategies primarily include physical activity, especially resistance and balance exercises, which have been found to improve muscle function and slow down the loss of muscle mass.

Alongside physical activity, ensuring adequate nutritional support is also critical. This involves a balanced diet that is rich in protein and contains sufficient amounts of Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help in maintaining muscle health. Lastly, maintaining a healthy body weight can also contribute to sarcopenia prevention.

Learn more about Sarcopenia Prevention here:
