What would happen if you didn't pay taxes?


Answer 1
Answer: Then you'll own more and more also they can put u in jail I hope it helps =)

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The word advise is iambic. Iamb means that a word has a short unstressed syllable, followed by the main, stressed syllable, like here in this example. 

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.-A Lord would be given land by the king in return for homage or a promise to serve the king when called upon

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"I am buried in homework", he told his friends. "I might suffocate under an avalanche of paper and books." The literary device that is used in this statement is Hyperbole. Hyperbole is a figure of speech or literary device that overstates or exaggerates a statement for emphasis or to make a point, but does not have to be taken literally. Hyperbole is a Greek word that means "excess".

Which literary device is apparent in the bolded lines of Viola’s speech to the captain in act II, scene IV, of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night? VIOLA: Too well what love women to men may owe: In faith, they are as true of heart as we. My father had a daughter loved a man, As it might be, perhaps, were I a woman, I should your lordship.a. Farce
b. Puns
c. Dramatic irony
d. Satire


I don't know which words are bolded in these lines, however, I would definitely say that this excerpt shows farce. Farce aims at entertaining the audience by showing weird or improbable scenes. Here Viola is dressed up as a man, and she is talking about herself saying - were I a woman - when she in fact is.


its not farce got it wrong


When are semicolons correctly and effectively used?


There are two main ways to use semicolons.

1. To Join Two Independent Clauses in a Sentence

The first is to separate what are technically called independent clauses. Just think of these as complete sentences—they have a subject and a verb, and they could stand alone as sentences of their own. Take these two sentences, for instance:

• Jeff is tall.
• Bill is short.

These are complete sentences, and to join them together into one sentence, we have to use a semicolon:

• Jeff is tall; Bill is short.

We cannot use ONLY a comma, as this would create what's called a comma splice. (We could use a comma AND a conjunction like and or but, but not just a comma by itself.)

• WRONG: Jeff is tall, Bill is short 
• RIGHT: Jeff is tall, but Bill is short.
• RIGHT: Jeff is tall, and Bill is short.
• RIGHT: Jeff is tall; Bill is short.

2. (Sometimes) to Separate Items in a List

The second way to use semicolons is to separate items in a list. Normally we just do this we commas, like this:

• There are three types of tree in the orchard: apple, fig, and pear.

But sometimes commas can cause confusion in a list, especially if some of the items within that list have commas of their own. For instance:

• Some of the world's most popular cities to visit are Paris, France, Rome, Italy, and London, England.

Here, it looks like my list contains six items (Paris AND France AND Rome AND Italy AND London AND England.) But really it contains only three items (Paris, France AND Rome, Italy AND London, England), and to clarify that fact I can use semicolons:

• Some of the world's most popular cities to visit are Paris, France; Rome, Italy; and London, England.

Here, it's clear that I mean to have three cities, and not six places, in my list.


edmentum says- when connecting related but independent clauses of a sentence


just took test

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Answer:The three boarders are disgusted by the sight of Gregor and want to leave
