Long before Europeans had devised a Leap Day, Mayans knew that a year on earth was _____.


Answer 1

A leap day is a extra day that is added to the year in the calendar and is based on the earth revolution around the sun. Feb 29 is also called the leap day.

  • As a normal year has about 365 days, the leap year has 366 days this due to the rotation and revolution of the earth on its axis. Most of the leap years occur after every four years such as 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020.
  • The Mayans of mesoamerica who were masters of astrology know the art of leap year and leap day earlier.  

Stated that earth leap year was longer than 365 days.

Learn more about the Europeans had devised a Leap Day, Mayans knew that a year on earth.


Answer 2


The answer is "365 days".  


  • The Leap Year or Leap day was invented by Julius Caesar and his astronaut team in the first century BC, which belongs to the Maya civilization, in which they tell about one year on earth, that is equal to 365 days.
  • It is a region that tells about Mayans become mindful of the light because they were considered one of the oldest tribes in existence. Their society observed the sun a great deal, including during the sunrise and fall seasons.  

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EDIT: Lenient treatment of Germany