Founding fathers of the United States storyboard


Answer 1

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Was the cost of the war higher for the North or the South?


The cost of the Civil War was much higher for the South. Most of the fighting took place in the south which took a higher toll financially. Besides, most of the factories and rail lines were in the north which made it easier to get supplies and food to Union troops. After Sherman's march to the sea, the South was in ruins. He burned and destroyed everything in his path and the South had to pay for that in years to come during Reconstruction.




Because the higher cost of the toll financially.

By January 1940 the nazi had not yet invaded


Although your question is ambiguous as could be, I'll do my best to answer. The Nazi's had indeed invaded countries by Jan 1940, beginning with the Austrian "Anschluss" in 1938, they invaded Austria. Then following the Munich Agreement in 1938 invaded Czechoslovakia. It was when the Nazis invaded Poland on 1st Sept 1939, that Britain and France declared War. What followed was conned a "Phoney War" as neither the Allies nor Germany invaded any country. This came to an end in April 1940 when Germany invaded Netherlands, Belgium and subsequently France. So yes you are right to a degree that WW2 had not fully begun by Jan 1940. 

Hope I helped :) 

A guarantee against European intervention was stated in the:a.Compromise of 1820
b.Monroe Doctrine
c.Compromise of 1850
d.all of the above


A guarantee against European intervention was stated in the Monroe Doctrine. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "b". This United states policy was made by President James Monroe. It stated that any kind of intervention by European countries against North or South america would be viewed as an act of war.


b.Monroe Doctrine


The Monroe Doctrine, synthesized in the phrase "America for the Americans", was elaborated by John Quincy Adams and attributed to President James Monroe in 1823. It established that any European intervention in America would be seen as an act of aggression that would require intervention of the United States of America The doctrine was presented by President Monroe during his sixth speech to Congress on the State of the Union. It was taken with doubts, at first, and then with enthusiasm. It was a decisive moment in the foreign policy of the United States. The doctrine was conceived by its authors, especially John Quincy Adams, as a proclamation by the United States of its opposition to colonialism in response to the threat posed by the monarchical restoration in Europe and the Holy Alliance after the Napoleonic wars.

This passage from the Declaration of Independence supports the ______________ of the document.


The correct answer is pathos.

This passage of the Declaration of Independence supports the pathos of the document.

Pathos is the emotional appeal and tries to persuade the public by appealing to their emotions.

That is clear in the excerpt of the passage of the Declaration of Independence when it says “He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.” With those words used in that part of the Declaration of Independence, the author tries to appeal to the emotion of the audience and generate a reaction. The author did not use logos or logic, reasons, he directly appealed to the emotions.  

The other options of the question were b) theme, c) thesis, d) ethos.

What were the four main causes of the Cold War


There are different opinions about this but these four might answer your question. 1) There were 2 different world views - capitalism (US) and communism (Russia). 2)Both countries wanted to have military security against being attacked ever again. Russia knew the US had an atomic bomb and so they built up their weaponry. 3) Both countries tried to win over the most allies 4) Russia wanted war repatriations from Germany but the US and Britain wanted to help Germany get back on its feet with a democratic government. Another one could be about the resentment both sides held. Britain and US were resentful that Russia had signed a pact with Hitler in 1939. Russia was resentful that Britain and US had tried to stop the Russian Revolution in 1917.


* American fear of communist attack.

* Truman's dislike of Stalin.

* USSR's fear of the American's atomic bomb.

* USSR's dislike of capitalism.

* USSR's actions in the Soviet zone of Germany.

* America's refusal to share nuclear secrets.

Explanation: I added more just in case you need more.

Who conquered the Roman Empire? Muslims Turks Egyptians barbarians


Barbarians are your answer.

However, they were not barbarians, but tribes from the North and other regions. They were given the term "barbarians" by the Roman Empire, for the tribes were inferior in build-up of their communities and fighting skills, and were extremely culturally different from the Romans (As we can see that the Romans did not call Greeks "barbarians" because the Greek civilization looked more built-up).

However, the Barbarians were only one of the factors of the decimation of the Western Roman Empire. Civil War, civil unrest, famine, governmental problems, social injustice, insane emperors, failure of leadership, etc, were all reasons for the Roman Empire to start collapsing.


While the western half of the Roman Empire started to crumble and fall, the Eastern half by the name of the Byzantine Empire continued to last, and carried on the Roman tradition. However, they soon fell during the Crusader's age to the Seljuk Turks, and the Roman Empire was non-existent until the so-called "Holy Roman Empire" arose. However, while it was called, " ' Roman" ", it had nothing in common with the Roman Empire other than in name.


So in this case, we must look at what you meant by the "Roman Empire". Do you mean the western half? If so, then your answer is Barbarians. If you meant the eastern half of the Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), then it would be the Turks.


The barbarian tribes from Germany and Britain conquered the Roman Empire.