9. Which of the following is true regarding current in an external circuit? A. A direct current constantly switches direction of flow to match the change of charge at each terminal.
B. Direct current always moves from the positively charged terminal to the negatively charged terminal.
C. Alternating current always moves from the positively charged terminal to the negatively charged terminal.
D. The flow of an alternating current switches direction when a generator's terminals change its charge.


Answer 1
Answer: The statement that best describes an external circuit is "D. The flow of an alternating current switches direction when a generator's terminals change its charge." The main difference between direct and alternating current is the direction of flow. Direct current follows only one direction from negatve to positive, while alternating current changes direction periodically.
Answer 2

Answer: D. The flow of an alternating current switches direction when a generator's terminals change its charge.


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The answer is:

The track of the storm determines how much rain will fall.

The explanation:

-Storm tracks are the relatively narrow zones in seas and oceans where storms travel driven by the prevailing winds.

-hurricane is a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes. and it has aspects that can cause damage, these are flood, wind, surge, heavy rains and tornadoes.

THE TRACK OF THE STORM determines how much rain will fall.
Hurricane refers to a storm with violent wind, it usually occurs in tropical Caribbean areas. Each hurricane has five essential aspects that can cause damage, these are: flood, wind, surge, heavy rains and tornadoes.

Which is occurring when work is being done? energy is being reverted. energy is being decreased. energy is being increased. energy is being transferred.?


The work is an effect that is observed due to the application of force. Taking the concern of work-energy principle, the work is done when there is a transfer of energy take place.

What is Work Done?

When some magnitude of the force is being applied on an object to displace, then the term used to describe the effect is known as work done.

The mathematical expression for the work done is given as,

W = F × d


F is the magnitude of applied force.

d is the displacement.

If we compare work with energy then, Energy, on the other hand, is the ability to do work. According to the work-energy principle, a change in the kinetic energy is equivalent to the net work done by the object. Therefore, energy is being transferred from one point to another when work is being done.

Thus, we can conclude that the work is done when a transfer of energy takes place.

Learn more about the work done here:



Energy is being transferred


  • Work is the force applied over a given distance, in other words work is the product of force and distance.

Work = force × distance.

  • Work is measured in Joules.
  • Energy on the other hand, is the ability to do work.
  • According to the principle of work-energy a change in the kinetic energy is equivalent to the net work don e by the object. Therefore, when work is being done energy is being transferred from one point to another.

A cheetah ran 300 feet in 2.92 seconds. What was the cheetah’s average speed in miles per hour?


We will first convert feet to miles:
1 foot = 0.00018939 miles
300 foot = 0.056817 miles
Than seconds to hours:
2.92 seconds = 0.04867 minutes = 0.0008111 hours
Average speed :
v = d / t
v = 0.056817 miles / 0.008111 h
v = 70.05 miles per hour

The temperature at which the air can hold no more water isA. the dew point.
B. relative humidity.
C. runoff.
D. evaporation.


i would pick d

i hope i helped

the answer to this question is B relative humidity!

Which region of the Sun is typically about 6,000C?photosphere
radiative zone
convective zone


The correct answer to the question is : Photosphere i.e it is the region whose temperature is 6000 degree celsius.


The Sun has many regions starting from photosphere to central core. Different regions of the sun has different temperature.

The temperature of the sun is due to the fusion occurring inside it. The core temperature is immense due to the gravitational attraction which produces more heat there. Gradually the temperature decreases as we move away from the sun core.

As per the question, the temperature is given as 6000 degree celsius.

The region of the sun which corresponds to this temperature is photosphere. The temperature of photosphere varies from 5500 degree celsius to 7500 degree celsius. The temperature of sunspots found in the sun may be lower than the average temperature of the photosphere.

Hence, the correct answer is Photosphere.

So we want to know which region of the sun is tipically around 6000 degrees Celsius. So in the core of the Sun, the temperature is around 15000000 degrees Celsius and as we move towards the surface we get to the photosphere where the temperature is around 6000 degrees Celsius.

Superposition of two wave crests produces


Superposition of two wave crests produces addtion (increase) of the crests.

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