A cluster of billions of atoms that all have magnetic fields lined up in the same way is known as aa. magnetic field line.
b. magnetic pole.
c. magnetic domain.
d. permanent magnet.
The region around a magnet where the magnetic force is exerted is known as its
a. magnetic pole.
b. lodestone.
c. magnetic field.
d. magnetic domain.


Answer 1

A cluster of billions of atoms that all have magnetic fields lined up in the same way is known as a

The answer is letter C. Magnetic domain.

The region around a magnet where the magnetic force is exerted is known as its
The answer is letter C. Magnetic field.
Answer 2


i think its b tell me if im wrong if i am sorry


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Symbol "l" denotes orbital quantum number which describes the shape of the orbital. From the given choices, those are magnetic quantum numbers which denotes the number of orbitals which is often a range of values from negative to positive. 2l + 1 is the formula to know the number of orbitals. l = n -1, where n is principal quantum number. Therefore l = 2, MI = (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2) or 5 orbitals.

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Acid - base indicators (also known as pH indicators) are substances which change color with pH. They are usually weak acids or bases. you use them if you want to know if a solution is an acid or it it's a base

Explain the connection between Earth's magnetic field and iron.


The Earth's magnetic field is somewhat caused by the composition of the earth's core which is rich in iron minerals. There is a solid inner core that is made of iron which makes up to 2/3 of the moon's size. The charged metal of the iron produces electric currents, consequently resulting to Earth's magnetic field.


The Earth's magnetic field is caused by how the earth's core is made. The earth's core is full of iron, especially in the inner core. That inner core is charged metal that produces electric currents that causes Earth's magnetic field. So because the core has iron, we have a magnetic field.

Read "Who Built the Pyramids?”. Leave this link open while you answer the questions throughout the assignment. Give at least two reasons why some people claim the Pyramids of Giza were constructed by aliens.



1. Considering the massive size of the structures, it is improbable to think that man is actually capable of building them.

2. And the intelligence and calculations needed for this construction is beyond the capacity of man, considering the age and times of the ancient Egyptians.


While Egyptologists and historians have, through years and years of research, have found evidence that it was actually the Egyptians that built them, there are also some people who held the belief that they are actually made and constructed by aliens. The humans of the ancient time that these structures were constructed were incapable of having the intelligent power and manpower and strength to carry out these works, with big blocks of stones and massive heavy structures to be made. However, the article "Who Built The Pyramids" shows the findings of  Egyptologists Mark Lehner and Zahi Hawass who has worked to uncover the truth about these massive buildings of ancient years, trying to prove who actually built and how. They argued that, with all the workforce needed to actually bring about the construction of these structures, it is evident that the people of Egypt indeed were the workers and builders of these structures, and that too not as slaves (unlike many claims) but more as a sense of obligation to the king. And to refute the alien builder theory, there are definite proof that shows that it is humans and not aliens who built it. There are settlements that housed the workers, bone remains that have been examined by scientists and doctors, who have proved that  humans and not aliens are the workers. Added to it, there seem to be no findings or even a shred of evidence too prove aliens have indeed been there, let alone construct that. Considering the massive structure of the pyramids, it is probable to think that man is incapable of constructing something like these, but like Lehner and Hawass has pointed out, there are lots of evidences to prove man actually built them. But there are still other group of theorists and believers that thinks aliens and not humans built them.


Those who support the alien theory believe that the ancient Egyptians were very primitive. They argue that no blueprints of the pyramids have been found and that moving two-ton stones would have required alien technology.


Which of the following is not an example of an extensive physical property?A.) Mass
B.) Shape
C.) Color
D.) Volume


The correct answer is C. Color is not an extensive property because it does not depends on the amount. An extensive property is a property that is dependent on the amount of substance being measured. The opposite is called intensive property where it does not depend on the amount.
. . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 
The correct answer is C.

Which molecule, when added to a solution, would give the solution the highest pH?HCl


The molecule, when added to a solution, would give the solution the highest pH is KOH. This is because when KOH is in the solution, it will give a very strong basic properties due to the -OH and the K which is highly electropositive.


The answer is C.


Because, KOH is the highest PH in the molecule(s).