A process whereby the media set the boundaries of public debate by deciding which issues to cover.


Answer 1
Answer: A process whereby the media set the boundaries of public debate by deciding which issues to cover is called agenda setting. 
Answer 2

The process whereby the media set the boundaries of public debate by deciding which issues to cover is called agenda setting.

What is a Debate?

This refers to the argument that is done, usually between two parties in order to prove a point with details and claims.

Hence, we can see that when there is a public debate, this is done by the media with the aim of regulation by setting the terms and boundaries on the issues to cover and this is known as agenda-setting.

Read more about public debates here:

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1. Did you GO to the swim meet? (E)
2. I WILL BE BUYING season tickets tomorrow. (P)
3. I HAVE BEEN SAVING my money all month.(P)
4. Coach Chang DIDn’t KNOW about the new uniforms. (E)
5. He WILL HAVE BEEN LOOKING for the old uniforms for two hours.(P)
6. He DOES LOOK frantic.(E)
7. I AM GOING to the football game.(P)
8. I SHALL BE SITTING at the fifty-yard line.(P)

Progressive verbs
forms, are forms that are used to show progress or an ongoing action. They always end in -ing.
Emphatic form is used to show emphasis or contradiction and consists of the present or past tense of "do" with the base form of the main verb. For example, "i did finish my work"

Numbers 1, 4, and 6 are emphatic while numbers 2,3,5,7 and 8 are progressive. You can easily recognize progressive forms as they always have the -ing verb form.

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Hope this helps! :)
Have a lovely day! <3

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The Eloi, their large eyes filled with wonder, formed a curious circle around him. The Time Traveller opened the first book, its pages filled with words and images from his era. He began to tell them the story of "Pride and Prejudice," explaining themes of love, social class, and personal growth.

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What characteristic of romantic literature does it contain?Consider all this; and then turn to this green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the sea and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that isle, thou canst never return!

A. Nature is a source of uncertainty and creativity for humans.
B. Nature can provide a means to achieve monetary wealth.
C. Nature works as a tool for introspection and comfort for humans.
D. Nature challenges humanity to strive for progress and equality.


The answer C works best here

Which of the following is a trait of American romanticism? a. glorifying industrialization and modernization b. exploring the imagination and emotions of the individual c. regarding nature as superior to the individual d. emphasizing logic and scientific fact e. criticizing superstitious beliefs and blind faith


The correct option is B

Romanticism is a cultural and political movement originated in Germany and the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) at the end of the eighteenth century as a revolutionary reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment and Classicism, giving priority to feelings. Its fundamental characteristic is the break with the classicist tradition based on a set of stereotyped rules. Authentic freedom is his constant search, that's why his revolutionary trait is unquestionable.

Based above all on the figure of edgar allan poe and often confused with the concept of "gothic narrative", the late romantic movement in the US literature of the twentieth century includes many other nuances and aspects characteristic and proper as well as other authors no less relevant who laid the foundations of their homeland literature in that new society under construction. Now, a framework like the North American one had to alter the European matrixes of a movement that, as is known, covered every aspect of life: from the approaches of society and philosophies to the psychology of the individual and the fashions

B. Exploring the Imagination and emotions of the individual.