An analyst receives an alert from the SIEM showing an IP address that does not belong to the assigned network can be seen sending packets to the wrong gateway. Which of the following network devices is misconfigured and which of the following should be done to remediate the issue? A. Firewall; implement an ACL on the interface B. Router; place the correct subnet on the interface C. Switch; modify the access port to trunk port D. Proxy; add the correct transparent interface


Answer 1

Answer: (A)  Firewall; implement an ACL on the interface


 According to the question, for re-mediate the issue firewall should be implemented the ACL (Access control list) on the given interface. The access control list is one of the type of logic which selectively give permission or deny the number of packet in the system which to through the interface.

Firewall is the type of device that basically examine the traffic in the network system and also make several decisions in the system. ACL is the set of rule which mainly define the route of the packet in the router interface state.

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A vowel word is a word that contains every vowel. Some examples of vowel words are sequoia, facetious, and dialogue. Determine if a word input by the user is a vowel word.



vowels = ("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")

word = input("Enter a word: ")

is_all = True

for c in vowels:

   if c not in word:

       is_all = False

if is_all == True:

   print(word + " is a vowel word.")


   print(word + " is not a vowel word.")


Initialize a tuple, vowels, containing every vowel

Ask the user to enter a word

Initially, set the is_all as True. This will be used to check, if every vowel is in word or not.

Create a for loop that iterates through the vowels. Inside the loop, check if each vowel is in the word or not. If one of the vowel is not in the vowels, set the is_all as False.

When the loop is done, check the is_all. If it is True, the word is a vowel word. Otherwise, it is not a vowel word.

Who could vote in the first democracy?A.


Correct Answer: citizens

Write a loop that continually asks the user what pets the user has, until the user enters "rock", in which case the loop ends. It should acknowledge the user in the following format. For the first pet, it should say "You have a dog with a total of 1 pet(s)" if they enter dog, and so on. Sample Run:
User enters:
lemur parrot cat rock
You have a lemur with a total of 1 pet(s)
You have a parrot with a total of 2 pet(s)
You have a cat with a total of 3 pet(s)


Following are the python program to use the loop to count the number of pets until the user enters the "rock":


c = 0#defining a variable c that initilzes with 0

p = input()#defining a variable p that input value

while p != 'rock':#defining a loop that check p value not equal to rock

  c += 1#using c variable for counts total number of pets

  print('You have a %s with a total of %d pet(s)' %(p,c))#print total number of pet

  p = input() #input value


Please find the attached file.

Program Explanation:

  • Defining a variable "c" that is initialized with 0, which is used to count input values.
  • In the next line, a "p" variable is declared as the input value from the user end.
  • A while loop is declared to check that the p-value is not equal to 'rock'.
  • Inside this loop, the "c" variable is used for counting the total number of pets, and a print method is used to print the total number of pets.
  • Another input method is used that works until the user inputs the value that is "rock".

Find out more about the loop here:

In which situation does a linear search always perform better than a binary search?



Linear search can be suitable for searching over an unsorted array. whereas, Elements in the array need to be in sorted order for binary search. The binary search algorithm uses the divide-and-conquer approach, it does not scan every element in the list. Hence, It is the best search algorithm

pls mrk me brainliest

Write an algorithm which gets a number N, and prints all the natural numbers less than or equal N. 3.




1.Create a variable N.

2.Read the value of N from user.

3.for i=1 to N.

 3.1 Print value of i.

4.end program.

Implementation in C++:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// main function

int main()


// variable

int N;

cout<<"Enter value of N:";

// read the value of N


cout<<"Natural number from 1 to "<<N<<" are:";

for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)


// print the numbers

   cout<<i<<" ";


return 0;



Enter value of N:6                                                                                                        

Natural number from 1 to 6 are:1 2 3 4 5 6

Answer this question without running pin again. Assume that the 100,000 element integer array that you allocated starts at address 0x50000000 in memory, the size of an integer is 4 bytes and the D-cache is initially empty. As you read the integers in the array one-by-one, starting at index 0, how many D-cache misses will you see for reading the first 40 integers when the cache block size is:



