Complete this theme: We should not believe everything blindly because ________


Answer 1



We should not believe everything blindly because if we don't assess ourselves correctly about something before being sure about it's truthfulness, we might be deceived.

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Situational Irony

Situational irony is the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen. It refers to a specific situation or event. Verbal irony is the contrast between what someone says and what is actually meant. Think sarcasm. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows a key piece of information that a performer on stage does not. An example is Romeo and Juliet during the balcony scene. The audience knows Romeo is listening in on Juliet's private thoughts, but she does not. A conflict is a problem and the resolution is how it is fixed.

Situational Irony is the best choice, its what actually happens vs what was expected to happen.

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He wants to ensure that even his own family will be by his side regardless. He had nothing to do at that point but to see if his father also really knows him. Trust is also important in the family as much as it is important when meeting strangers and acquaintances.

In his 20 years away from his home, Ulysses struggles through the Trojan War and a difficult journey home. He overcomes all the obstacles put in his path through his own wits and with the help of the gods. His lengthy struggle and the many betrayals seem to have affected him psychologically. He learns that he cannot trust people. He even approaches his son and wife while in disguise.

His father remains a suspect for disloyalty until Ulysses tests him. He tells Laertes a story about how his alter ego once gave shelter to Ulysses. He sees Laertes choke up and cry on hearing about his son, which proves his loyalty.

Add the correct punctuation marks where needed: Generally speaking the ladies bible study lasts forty-five minutes.



Generally speaking, the ladies' Bible study lasts forty-five minutes.


Hope this helps :)

Please mark brainliest

What is a cognitive bias


A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. Individuals create their own "subjective reality" from their perception of the input. An individual's construction of reality, not the objective input, may dictate their behavior in the world.

Which truth of life in colonial Salem in The Crucible, Act IV is applicable today? A. Superstitions of colonial America are no longer an issue. B. Belief in the supernatural is ipso facto dangerous. C. Government is overly concerned with religious issues. D. Fear and suspicion can lead to unfairness in justice.


. D. Fear and suspicion can lead to unfairness in justice.

I read this book and the answer is " D. Fear and suspicion can lead to unfairness in justice."

7. In the following sentence, identify the part of speech of the italicized word. Large fish swim swiftly in the sea. A. Adverb B. Noun C. Adjective D. Pronoun


Large is an Adjective
Fish is a Noun
Swim is a Verb
Swiftly is an Adverb
In is a preposition
The is a determiner
Sea is a noun.

I hope this helps since you didn't say which word is italicized.