Why was the Third Amendment important to the framers?Select the best answer from the choices provided.
It protected free speech and freedom of religion.
It declared that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land.
It prevented the government from quartering soldiers in private homes.
It granted voting rights to American Indians.


Answer 1
Answer: It prevented the government from quartering soldiers in private homes.

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"The problem of our age is the administration of wealth, so that the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship.... In former days there was little difference between the dwelling, dress, food, and environment of the chief and those of his retainers. . . . The contrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the laborer with us today measures the change which has come with civilization.This change, however, is not to be deplored, but welcomed as highly beneficial. It is well, nay, essential for the progress of the race, that the houses of some should be homes for all that is highest and best in literature and the arts, and for all the refinements of civilization, rather than that none should be so. Much better this great irregularity than universal squalor.... Neither master nor servant was as well situated then as to day. A relapse to old conditions would be disastrous to both-not the least so to him who serves-and would sweep away civilization with it...."

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What was the main economic activity of tribal people who first lived in the Nile River Valley?A.
hunting animals
domestication of animals


I think answer is A. farming


It is answer A.


Early Egyptians settled on the Nile and had fertile soil and an abundance of water, so they started farming.

What factors cause the Great Depression to spread around the world


I am only aware of it's affects on Germany these are:

Prior to the Great Depression and the Wall street crash(in 1929), Germany (during the Steseman years) was recovering from WWI and the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. They needed money to pay of 6,600 million in reparations to the allies, but didn't have enough. However when Gustav Streseman came to power he organised the Dawes and Young Plans (named after two wealthy American bankers) which was in scheme in which the USA leant money to Germany in order for them to pay off the reparations. However during the Great Depression, America was in financial turmoil and desperately needed the money leant to Germany back. This left Germany bankrupt and back at square one. Subsequently after Streseman died in 1929 of a heart attack due to all the pressure of a failing nation.

I hope this helped a bit.
Please contact me if you need anymore help or information.

In 1972 President Nixon became the first United States president to visit the Chinese Capital, _________.a. Taipei
c. Hong Kong
b. Nanking
d. Beijing


In 1972 President Nixon became the first United States president to visit the Chinese Capital, Beijing. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "d". This is considered as a very important step towards normalizing relations between the United States of America and China. It ended the 25 years of enmity and separation between the two countries. 

Read the quotation from the Omaha Platform.“The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of those, in turn, despise the republic and endanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes—tramps and millionaires.”

What sentence best summarizes the above quotation?
A. The “common people” often take advantage of the wealthy class.
B. The wealthy often profit from the hard work of the lower class.
C. The wealthy succeed because they are stronger than the lower class.
D. There are three economic classes: the rich, the poor, and the middle class.


I believe the answer is: D. There are three economic classes: the rich, the poor, and the middle class.

The separation between these classes is based on their ownership of wealth&resources. The poor are those who barely have enough resources to keep living,

The middle class are those who can comfortably fulfil their basic needs while having a little bit of surplus that they can put into saving , while the Rich are those who had abundance of wealth & resources, to the point where they would not able to spend it in their lifetime.




An outcome of which revolution(s) resulted in conflict and a temporary return to absolute rule?


It could the turbulent events that led to the French Revolution where the people overthrew the monarchy and created a republic where people ruled.  Later the Revolution became more extreme and this led to the Reign of Terror where anyone who was suspected of being against the Revolution was put to death. When its leader Robespierre was executed, a new government called the Directory was set up it was later replaced when Napoleon came to power.  He later became emperor and fought with other European countries until he was defeated and sent to exile in St. Helena.  The monarchy was restored briefly and then France became a democracy again. 

Answer:its d

Explanation: im taking the test