How has President Lincoln signaled the end of his speech in this passage?


Answer 1


He explains why the country needs to be healed. In this sentence, President Lincoln announced the end of his speech by declaring, "to do everything that may be done to attain and nurture a just and enduring peace among ourselves and with all nations." That is a good summary of what he is aiming towards.


This is the speech:

"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

Answer 2
Answer: Your question doesnt give the passage to read.

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What is a government?

A government, the political system by which a country or community is administered and regulated.

Most of the key words commonly used to describe governments—words such as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy.

A government is a system of order for a nation, state, or another political unit. A government is responsible for creating and enforcing the rules of a society, defense, foreign affairs, the economy, and public services.

While the responsibilities of all governments are similar, those duties are executed in different ways depending on the form of government.

Some of the different types of government include a direct democracy, a representative democracy, socialism, communism, a monarchy, an oligarchy, and an autocracy.

Learn more about government here:


I can't really see the options... but the reason they were afraid of a central government was because they remembered how the central government in England ruled over them. They didn't want to create a central government that would end up usurping all of the colonies powers like their former ruler in England did.

I hope this helps!!

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Ulysses Grant's reputation was one of compassion and dedication. b. False

Which describes the major cause of the French and Indian War? A. disagreements between the French and the Indians over how to use the land and who owns the land B. arguments about the prices Indians were paid for the furs they trapped for the British C.arguments about the rights of Indians in French North America D. disagreements between the French and British over land claims and the fur trade (I chose that correct?) Thanks!


The statement that best describes the major cause of the French and Indian War is the disagreements between the French and British over land claims and the fur trade

  • The French and IndianWar arises due to conflicting claims between Great Britain and France due to territory and waterways, beaver trade, religious differences, etc.

The war strained british and colonial relations as land acquisition issues arises.

Conclusively, The war lasted Seven Years War as they fought for control of NorthAmerica and the rich fur trade.

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The correct answer is D. The major causes of the French and Indian War were disagreements between the French and the British over land claims and the fur trade.


The French and Indian War was a war between France and Britain in North America between 1754 and 1763. The war ended with the Paris Peace Treaty, whereby France lost its territory in North America.

It began with a dispute between France and the United Kingdom over the control of the Ohio River Valley and, on a larger scale, was a competition for influence in most of North America. Fur trade formed an important factor for the inhabitants of both the French and English colonies in America. In 1727, with the permission of the Iroquois, the French had built a base at the mouth of the Niagara River, from where they ruled the beginning of the fur trade routes. At least in principle, the French also possessed the Mississippi River, from the Great Lakes to Louisiana. However, the Rich Valley area of ​​the Ohio Valley was threatened by Pennsylvania and Virginia migrants. To control the threat, Detroit's French commander Pierre-Joseph de Celoron de Blainville proposed the construction of a fortress chain from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. However, merchants from English settlements had already settled in the area. The Virginia colony maintained the area as its own and had begun to hand over land from the area to migrants since 1752.

The French began to forcibly expel English-speaking merchants from the controversial area by force in 1752 and, for example, the important Pickawillany trading station was destroyed. At the same time, the French began to build fortifications in the area to strengthen their position. In 1754, however, the trading position of the Ohio Trading Company near present-day Pittsburgh was destroyed. Fort Duquesne, French, was established in its place. In response to the actions of the French at that time, young Colonel George Washington later established a fort called Fort Necessity about 60 kilometers south of the French base. On May 28, Washington forces defeated a French reconnaissance force and, in response, the French besieged Fort Necessity on July 2. The French and their Indian allies had a larger number of defenders, and Washington decided to surrender the fortress to the French, leaving with their troops back to Virginia. The Colony of Virginia asked for help from Britain, where the idea of ​​war with the French was initially rejected. However, when it became clear that the Virginia troops could not cope with the French army's regular troops, King George II sent Major General Edward Braddock to Virginia. Admiral Edward Boscawen, for his part, was in charge of the Navy to prevent French reinforcements from entering Canada. The war thus expanded from the Ohio Valley into a war on a larger scale.

Why do economists describe the us economy as a mixed market economy


The correct answer is: "because the goverment and other economic authorities intervene in market mechanisms"

The US economy is a mixed market economy because the interactions of economic agents (households, firms and public entities) determine market outcomes: prices and amounts exchanged of the different products and services.

But these outcomes are influenced by government interventions, aiming to reach fairer ones that benefit all the agents that participate in the economy, when resources had been allocated unequally by the market mechanism alone.

The US is described as a mixed market economy because both the government and the private sector take a role in economic planning. The government doesn't completely control the economy thus it is shared with the private sector and called a mixed market economy. 

What effect did Empress Theodora’s ban on iconoclasm have on the Byzantine Empire? A. The ban forced many Christians in the Byzantine Empire to either join the Crusades or convert to Islam.B. The ban caused architects to build domes on churches rather than the more popular spires.
C. The ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.
D. The ban ended the practice of Eastern Orthodoxy and helped unite Christians under Roman Catholicism.


The correct answer is C) the ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.

The effect that Empress Theodora's on iconoclasm had on the Byzantine empire was that the ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.

Iconoclasm was the total prohibition and destruction of religious monuments. Iconoclasm caused manu shisms between the Catholic church of Rome and Constantinople. So Empress Theodora banned iconoclasm. The effect that Empress Theodora's on iconoclasm had on the Byzantine empire was that the ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish.

.The ban ended iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire and allowed the art of Christian figures to flourish apex