A student has written the following thesis:Recent claims that bee colony collapse will end food production as we know are not well supported.
During the research process, however, the student finds very little research that supports her claim and much evidence that contradicts it. Which of the following would be the most appropriate revision for her thesis?


Answer 1

The options of the question are, A) Although only few scientist claim that bee colony collapse poses only a short-term food-production problem, this clearly must be the truth. B) Bee colony collapse is such a new development that not a lot time has passed to allow enough skeptics to develop evidence against its potential threat. C) Once bees have stopped dying in sufficient quantity, there will be ample evidence to support a claim that bee colony collapse is an invention of the human imagination. D) while someone believe the bees will recover, albeit slowly, it is becoming increasingly clear that our food crops may be in danger.  

The correct answer is D) while someone believes the bees will recover, albeit slowly, it is becoming increasingly clear that our food crops may be in danger.  

The most appropriate revision on her thesis would be “while someone believes the bees will recover, albeit slowly, it is becoming increasingly clear that our food crops may be in danger.”

Although the student found little research that supports her claim and much evidence that contradicted, the most appropriate revision on her thesis would be that while someone believes the bees will recover, albeit slowly, it is becoming increasingly clear that our food crops may be in danger. This is correct because the text says that food production as we know is not well supported and will end due to the collapse of bee colonies.  

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2 is A.

3 is D.

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5 is C.

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9 is C.


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There was a lack of economic development.


Correct answer choice is :

A) Traders provided a regular supply of guns to tribal leaders.


Territorial borders are indicated in the present boundaries within modern West African states, dividing over ethnic and cultural lines, usually cutting single ethnic associations among two or more states. Early human immigrants came in West Africa around 12,000 BCE. European tradesmen first became a force in the territory in the 15th century. The nonstop African captive trade continued, with the Portuguese taking numbers of captives back to their country for use as workers, but, it would not start on a grand scale till Christopher Columbus's journey to the Americas and the following search for affordable colonial labor.

the answer is A, traders provided a regular supply of guns to tribal leaders.

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B. 50
C. 20
D. 10


The answer is (A.) 15%. By the year 1932, the percentage of workers who had any form of employment-related pension was only about (a.) 15%. The company-provided pensions had a small percentage of workers that joined employment-related pensions, which is a major problem for them. During that time, the United State's stock market collapsed which led the country to its Great Depression which was the worst economic crisis. Most of these workers who had anticipated never got their pensions.

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B) developed primarily as a result of the conflict over the creation of Israel.
C) resulted from the conflicts which started at the Versailles Conference following World War I.
D) pitted England and France against each other following the fall of France to the Germans in World War II.


Answer: A) developed as a result of the tensions between the US. and the Soviet Union.


Cold War was the opposition that grew after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Soviets had established leftist governments in the part of eastern Europe liberated by them. The United States worried about the Soviet domination of eastern Europe and their goal of spreading communism worldwide.

It is A, because it was only the Soviet and USA. Hope it helps!

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b. England
c. Portugal
d. Spain


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