How are Poland, Hungary and Serbia different ?


Answer 1
Answer: These countries differ in many ways: linguistically speaking, Poland an Serbia, which are slavic, do not share the same origins with Hungary, which is not an Indo-European language. Secondly, Poland and Hungary are countries which did not separate themselves, nor socially, nor geographically after 1989 when communism ceased to exist as Serbia used to belong to a bigger country, Yugoslavia, in the past.

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What theory did hitler emphasize in mein kampf?


There were actually two theories that Hitler did emphasize in his book, Mein Kampf, it was his hatred towards Communism and Judaism. He gave contrast to his hatred towards Jews and other minorities. He also formulated his own dictatorship as a political theory on his own.

In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler emphasized theories of Aryan supremacy, anti-Semitism, Lebensraum, anti-communism, authoritarian leadership, nationalism, anti-democracy, and opposition to the Treaty of Versailles.

What theory did hitler emphasize in mein kampf?

In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler emphasized several key theories and ideas that formed the basis of his ideological beliefs. The book, which was written during his imprisonment in 1924, outlined his political and racial views. Some of the prominent theories and concepts emphasized in Mein Kampf include:

1. Aryan Supremacy: Hitler promoted the notion of Aryan racial superiority, asserting that the Germanic peoples (the Aryans) were a superior race destined to dominate others.

2. Anti-Semitism: Mein Kampf propagated intense anti-Semitic views, blaming Jews for various social, economic, and political problems and advocating their exclusion and elimination.

3. Lebensraum (Living Space): Hitler argued that Germany needed to acquire more living space (Lebensraum) to accommodate its growing population and secure its economic and territorial needs. This idea would later play a significant role in Nazi expansionist policies.

4. Anti-Communism: Hitler expressed a deep hostility towards communism and Marxist ideology, considering it a threat to Germany and Western civilization.

5. Authoritarian Leadership: Hitler advocated for a strong and centralized authoritarian leadership (Führerprinzip), where a single leader would have absolute authority and command over the nation, without democratic checks and balances.

6. Nationalism: Hitler promoted extreme German nationalism, emphasizing loyalty to the German nation and its people.

7. Anti-Democracy: Mein Kampf critiqued democratic systems and liberalism, portraying them as weak and ineffective in achieving a nation's true potential.

8. Anti-Versailles Treaty: Hitler criticized the Treaty of Versailles, which he saw as unjust and humiliating for Germany, and called for its rejection and the restoration of German power and prestige.

It's important to note that Mein Kampf served as a blueprint for Hitler's future actions and policies once he came to power as the Chancellor of Germany in 1933. The ideas presented in the book laid the groundwork for the rise of the Nazi regime and the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

Learn more on mein kampf here;


Samori Ture led a resistance movement against the French in



West Africa.


He was a Muslim cleric, leader and founder of the Wassolu Empire also known as the Masinka Empire.

The empire covered what today is Guinea, parts of Sierra Leone, Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, and Burkina Faso. He created the empire to resists the French´s colonial attempts to controlling the region.

Nevertheless, the intentions of Ture to resist against the French empire lasted only 20 years with Ture´s death.

I hope this answer helps you.

PLease PLease help!!!! 40 points What is the biggest county in Washington in terms of population? (Points : 1)

Spokane County
Adams County
Cowlitz County
King County

Question 2.2. Which of the following in not a common county official? (Points : 1)
attorney general

Question 3.3. Which of the following best describes the recent changes in Indian tribal government? (Points : 1)
Tribes are taking less of a role in their own tribal affairs.
Tribes are taking more of a role in their own tribal affairs.
Tribes have not changed their role in over 100 years.
Tribes have surrendered all claims to run their own affairs.

Question 4.4. Which of the following is not a regular service administered by special districts? (Points : 1)
water and sewage


1.  King County has a population of 1,931,249

2. Attorney general is selected by the state not the county.

3. They have begun to take more action in there on tribal affairs.

4. They offer everything but the military. That is something the US government has at there disposal.

Hope I helped. :)

Who did Stalin compete with to control Russia?


Stalin competed with Leon Trotsky

Which enlightenment writer opposed political absolutism


The writers is known as John Locke.

Final answer:

John Locke, an Enlightenment writer, actively opposed political absolutism, advocating instead for limited governmental power through the separation of powers.


One key Enlightenment writer who opposed political absolutism was John Locke. Locke was a proponent of liberalism and believed in the separation of powers. He argued that the power of a ruler or government should be limited to prevent the abuse of power. This notion radically opposed the idea of absolutism, a political theory where a single ruler has total authority and is not restricted by laws or a constitution.

Learn more about Enlightenment opposition to absolutism here:


The construction of the railroads through Texas helped make which city the largest city in Texas at the time



1870 Galveston

1900 San Antonio



i realy don´t know but it is the largest city in the north
