Why did explorers seek the Northwest passage?


Answer 1
Answer: The main reason why explorers wanted to find the Northwest passage is because they wanted to find an above-ground route to East Asia--specifically China. 

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What is a federal scout


A federal scout is an individual employed by the government to gather information, conduct reconnaissance, and provide intelligence on specific areas, territories, or situations.

Reconnaissance refers to the act of obtaining information or gathering intelligence about a specific area, situation, or enemy. In the context of a federal scout, reconnaissance involves conducting observations, surveys, and assessments to gather valuable data.

This could include identifying geographical features, assessing security risks, monitoring activities, or collecting strategic information.

By engaging in reconnaissance, federal scouts aid in decision-making processes, support operational planning, and contribute to the overall situational awareness of government agencies.

Their role is crucial in acquiring accurate and timely information to facilitate effective decision-making and enhance the safety and efficiency of government operations.

Learn more about Reconnaissance here:



In history I learnt that a federal scout was in the American Civil War. he was a soldier who would be dressed in uniform. He was like a spy for the union soldiers and supporters.

hope that helps

How did the people of the French Revolution overthrow the government?


I believe they beheaded Marie and King Louie. And they also tore down the biggest prison, brick by brick, as a symbol of their new freedom.
Everything started in 1789, when France was nearly bankruptcy. Thounsands of angry poor people decided to storm the Bastille prison - the symbol of the monarchy and old bad times. But it was only the beginning of the French Revolution. When France became a republic, in 1792,  people executed the king Louis XVI and his wife. The idea of revolution spread around the country, peasants were eliminating old authorities killing them by the guillotine.

What was racism like in the 1940s? Will award best answer for kind of thorough answer.


African americans couldnt drink out of a concasion water fountain, african americans couldnt sit in front of the bus with concasions
it was very hard for both black people and mexicans, they could not share the same bathroom the could not even share the same school, and on the bus they always had to give up there sets for white people.
iam white but this is pretty messed up lol

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C. Living in Mecca
D. Avoiding Christian


The correct answer is B. Giving to charity

A and B are incorrect because they're not part of the 5 pillars. Finding ways to help other who are not as lucky as you is. Living in Mecca is not one of the pillars, but traveling to Mecca at least once in a lifetime is.
B giving charity it could be A but I'm pretty sure it is B

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Clusters of concentrated development on the perimeter highways of an urban area are called, Edge Cities.