Please select the most appropriate answer to fill in the blank in the sentence: Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable difference in the amount of ______ with computers. households household s households


Answer 1
Answer: Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable difference in theamount of ______ with computers. households household s households

The answer is household.

Since there has been an increasing number of computers in every household. It may entail that for each home, each member of the family say the average is 3, has three computers in total. This is correlated with the ongoing rise of global and technology. 

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Thank u,



I will respond by saying the destination is not the most important , the journey is.


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A group of statisticians at a local college has asked you to create a set of functions that compute the median and mode of a set of numbers, as defined in Section 5.4. Define these functions in a module named Also include a function named mean, which computes the average of a set of numbers. Each function should expect a list of numbers as an argument and return a single number. Each function should return 0 if the list is empty. Include a main function that tests the three statistical functions. Ask users to enter the list of numbers, and then choose which function to apply to those numbers. After the single number is returned from the correct function, display to the user the list of numbers, the function selected and the answer in a format that is easy to understand.



from functools import reduce

def mean(mylist):

   score = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y, mylist)/ len(mylist)

   return score

def median(mylist):


   list_len = len(mylist) % 2

   i = round(len(mylist)/2)

   x = len(mylist)//2

   if list_len == 0:

       median = (mylist[x] + mylist[x+1]) / 2  


       median = mylist[i]

   return median

def mode(mylist):

   unique = set(mylist)

   unique = list(unique)

   collector = [mylist.count(key) for key in unique]

   maxi = max(collector)

   loc = collector.index(maxi)

   return unique[loc]

def main():

   scores = input( 'Enter list of numbers: ').split(",")

   scores = [int(score) for score in scores]


   operation = input('Enter operation: ')

   operator = ['mean', 'median', 'mode']


   for x in iter(list, 0):

       if operation in operator:


       print("Invalid operation: ")

       operation = input('Enter operation')


   index_loc = operator.index(operation)


   if index_loc == 0:

       return mean(scores)

   elif index_loc == 1:

       return median(scores)

       #return np.median(scores)  can be used of the defined function

   elif index_loc == 2:

       #return stats.mode(scores)[0]  can be used of the defined function

       return mode(scores)

print( main( ) )


The main python function calls conditionally three statistical functions namely mean, median and mode. It prompts for user input for a list of integer numbers and a function name name to return the corresponding result.

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1. promote higher quality of education
2. volunteer program for the youth
3. Conduct a study for the root cause of the problem
4. Encourage to maximize all the resources
5. Engage in partnerships to address the problem

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T₁ , T₂ , be the arrival times of two customers.

See expected time for the earliest and latest below.

The formulas used will guide you.