2 bromocyclopentanamine line formula


Answer 1


The structure for 2 brormocyclopentan amine is given in attached file.


2-bromocyclopentamine (Figure attached) is a synthetic compound which is synthesized by substitution reaction of cyclopentamine and hydrobromide. Its molecular formula and molecular mass are C5H10NBr and 164.05 g/mol respectively.  It is a very reactive compound so it doesn’t available in pure form, it is present in market as a mixture of 2-bromocyclopentamine and Hydrobromide.


Its boiling point is 115 °C.

Its melting point is  -75 °C.

It is highly flammable.

It is highly toxic.

It is irritant.

It is corrosive in nature.

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Final answer:

Adjusting the proportions of substances in an alloy can significantly alter its physical and chemical properties, including hardness, boiling point, physical strength, and resistance to corrosion. These changes can cause phenomena such as rusting or shifting in acidity.


Changing the proportions of substances in an alloy impacts its properties. For instance, changing the ratios of iron, carbon, nickel, and other elements in steel, an alloy, can affect its physical strength and resistance to corrosion. It's crucial to understand that in any alloy, the relative compositions of different elements produce the character of the alloy. For example, in steel, altering the amount of carbon can change the hardness and tensile strength of the final product.

It's also important to know about the law of multiple proportions in chemistry. This law states that when two elements react to form more than one compound, a fixed mass of one element will react with masses of the other element in a ratio of small whole numbers. In alloy formation, these proportions of mass can significantly affect the properties of the resulting alloy.

Physical and chemical properties, such as hardness and boiling point, can be altered by changing the proportions in an alloy. These shifts can lead to both physical or chemical changes, such as melting, freezing, rusting, or even changes in flammability and acidity.

Learn more about Alloys and their Properties here:



I don’t get it? haha



A molecule is

a group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

I hope this helps

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1. Reaction

  H_2SO_4+2KOH\rightarrow K_2SO_4+2H_2O

2. Mole ratio


3. Sulfuric acid


     Moles=Molarity* Volume(liters)

     Moles=0.20M* 0.017liter=0.034molH_2SO_4

4. Potassium hydroxide

    (2molKOH)/(1molH_2SO_4)* 0.034molH_2SO_4=0.068molKOH

    Molarity=(0.068mol)/(0.06liter)=1.13M\approx 1M

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