List two of the tangible and/or intangible ways in which state governments improve society.


Answer 1
Answer: Two tangible ways in which state governments improve society would be through the construction of public facilities like libraries and roads, and an intangible example would be through welfare programs.

Hope this helps.

Answer 2
Answer: Two tangible ways in which state governments improve society would be through the construction of public facilities like libraries and roads, and an intangible example would be through welfare programs.

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The statement about the Cuban Missile Crisis that is true would be that "d. President Kennedy removed nuclear missiles from Turkey to resolve the crisis," since this was the only way to get the Russians to remove their missiles from Cuba. 

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There are different opinions about this but these four might answer your question. 1) There were 2 different world views - capitalism (US) and communism (Russia). 2)Both countries wanted to have military security against being attacked ever again. Russia knew the US had an atomic bomb and so they built up their weaponry. 3) Both countries tried to win over the most allies 4) Russia wanted war repatriations from Germany but the US and Britain wanted to help Germany get back on its feet with a democratic government. Another one could be about the resentment both sides held. Britain and US were resentful that Russia had signed a pact with Hitler in 1939. Russia was resentful that Britain and US had tried to stop the Russian Revolution in 1917.


* American fear of communist attack.

* Truman's dislike of Stalin.

* USSR's fear of the American's atomic bomb.

* USSR's dislike of capitalism.

* USSR's actions in the Soviet zone of Germany.

* America's refusal to share nuclear secrets.

Explanation: I added more just in case you need more.

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b. Kennedy felt that states should have primary jurisdiction over civil rights issues
c. the Republican Party controlled Congress
d. the demands of the civil rights movement had not yet become known to most Americans


President Kennedy was relatively unsuccessful in passing civil rights legislation during his time in office because congressional Democrats were split into conservative and liberal factions.

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Which statement best summarizes how Reagan’s economic policies affected the US economy? There was a decline in unemployment, but people made less money and paid higher taxes. There was a significant rise in prosperity triggered by a reduction in federal spending and the national debt. There was an increase in defense spending because of tax increases and the elimination of the national debt. There was overall prosperity, but federal spending and the national debt also increased.


The correct answer is D) There was overall prosperity, but federal spending and the national debt also increased.

The statement that best summarizes how Reagan’s economic policies affected the U.S. economy is: There was overall prosperity, but federal spending and the national debt also increased.

Reaganomics was the term that identified the economic policies of President Ronald Reagan in 1981. President Reagan tenure was from 1981 to 1989 and was the 40th President of the U.S. The economic policies of Reagan aimed to cut taxes, increase military spending, and the decrease social spending. What Reagan believed about the economy as the basis for Reaganomics was that the economy would improve if Americans had more money to spend.

There was overall prosperity, but federal spending and the national debt also increased.(d)

Further Explanations:

Reagan's economic policies also known as the Reaganomics aimed at the economic policies such as tax deduction, increase in military overheads and low social expenses. He believed that the economy of the nation will only increase when the citizens will have enough money. Apart from his economic policies, he is credited a lot for his national security strategies.

Ronald Reagan the 40th President of America was born on 6th February 1911 in a low-income family of northern Illinois and graduated from Eureka College in 1932. He started his early career as a Hollywood actor and a Union leader. He had also served as the California’s 33rd governor. After becoming President he gained the fame of being modern influential Conservatism. One of his tremendous initiatives was the Strategic Defense Initiative, a projectile defense system to guard United States from Nuclear attacks and submarines ballistic attack.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History

Chapter: US President


Ronald Reagan, northern Illinois, Eureka College, Union leader, Hollywood actor, Conservatism, Strategic Defense Initiative, Nuclear, Reaganomics