What does the photoelectric effect prove?


Answer 1
Answer: The photoelectric effect is the process of producing electrons when light shines upon a certain material. The photoelectric effect proves that light is made up of particles or waves which means light has a wave-particle dual nature. Such nature is also present in electrons. 

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Which is a chemical property of magnesium?flammability
melting point





As we know that chemical property of an element will show it's chemical reactivity and its chemical nature on exposing to a reaction.

While physical properties are those which can be measured by some experimental means.

So here we know that all the measurable quantities are

1). Density

2). Melting Point

Here one of the given option is phenomenon in which all the domains of magnet align itself in direction of external magnetic field it is known as Magnetism.

So here correct chemical property is


Final answer:

The flammability of magnesium is the chemical property among those listed. It depicts how it changes to magnesium oxide when heated in an oxygen environment.


The property listed that is a chemical property of magnesium is its flammability. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances or changes from one substance to another. Flammability, meaning the ability to burn in the presence of oxygen, is a chemical property because it describes how magnesium will change to magnesium oxide when heated in air.

On the other hand, properties such as density, melting point, and magnetism are physical properties because they describe the physical state of the magnesium and not how it interacts with other chemicals.

Learn more about Chemical Property of Magnesium here:



The layer of the Earth that is composed of large plates that interlock and move over time is the _______.asthenosphere
outer core
upper mantle


The layer of the Earth that is composed of large plates that interlock and move over time is the LitosphereLitosphere consist of several tectonic plates. The top part of the litosphere is Chemically reacts with the atmosphere in a soil forming process. IT's located between 0 - 6,500 Kilometers on the bottom of the surface

In the video this question was provided for, you should be able to find the passage, "The lithosphere is a rigid shell made up of plates. In order to understand what the plates are like, imagine taking a hard-boiled egg and cracking it all over. Do not peel it; just crack it. It is still all together on the outside of the egg, but it is broken into "plates." The plates of the lithosphere move slowly about on the plastic, formless asthenosphere beneath."

Answer: Lithosphere

Scientific notation 47,000


47,000 written as 4.7 x 104 in s scientific notation

Yep that is right 4.7 times 104

una granada de 4kg inicialmente en reposo,estalla en dos trozos,uno de los cuales ,de 2.5kg sale disparado hacia la derecha a 120m/s . Calcula la velocidad y el sentido del movimiento del segundo trozo.


according to google translate
reservation of momentum
momentum before = after

0 = momentum of piece to the right + 2nd one

0 = 2.5(120) + (4-2.5)v

v is negative so it moves to the left

Final answer:

La conservación de la momentum lineal dicta que la momentum total antes y después de la explosión de la granada debe ser la misma, o sea, cero. Teniendo en cuenta la dirección de cada trozo post-explosión, puedes resolver para hallar la velocidad del segundo trozo.


Este problema se resuelve usando las leyes de conservación de la momentum lineal, que dice que la momentum total de un sistema de partículas permanece constante siempre que no actúen fuerzas externas. En este caso, la granada explota en dos trozos, pero como la granada estaba inicialmente en reposo, la momentum total inicial sería cero. Así que, tras la explosión, la momentum total debe seguir siendo cero.

Puedes escribir la ley de conservación de la momentum para este ejemplo como sigue:

0 = momentum del trozo de 2.5 kg + momentum del trozo de 1.5 kg

Como sabemos, la momentum es el producto de la masa por la velocidad, así que para el trozo de 2.5 kg, la momentum sería 2.5 kg * 120 m/s que va a la derecha (puedes tomarlo como positiva). Luego, mujeres definir la velocidad del trozo de 1.5 kg como 'v', su momentum seria -1.5 kg * v (porque va a la izquierda, lo tomas como negativo).

Por ende,

0 = 2.5 kg * 120 m/s - 1.5 kg * v

De esta ecuación puedes resolver para 'v' y hallarás la velocidad del segundo trozo. Lo negativo indica que va a la izquierda.

Learn more about Conservación de la momentum lineal here:



Which characteristics do all terrestrial planets have? Select all that apply.A. Water
B. Iron core
C. Rocky crust
D. Thin atmosphere
E. Dense atmosphere
F. Relatively high density


"Terrestrial" means 'on Earth' or 'like Earth'.

The so-called 'terrestrial planets' are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.
The asteroid belt separates them from the 4 gas-giant planets, in a wide
gap where there should be another planet but there isn't.

Among the terrestrial planets as a group:

A).  Water
       No.  Only earth has water (now).

B).  Iron core
       Yes.  Most probably all.

C).  Rocky crust
       Yes.  All.

D).  Thin atmosphere.
E).  Dense Atmosphere.
       Only Venus has a dense one.
       Mercury probably has none.
       Earth has the Goldilocks atmosphere.

F).  Relatively high density.
       True of all the terrestrial planets.
       Earth is the most dense of all the planets.      

two identical freight cars roll without friction towards each other on a level track. one car rolls 2 m/s the other 1 m/s. after the cars collide they couple and roll together with a speed of


The cars coupled and rolled together at a speed of 1.5 m/s.

What is law of conservation of linear momentum?

According to the law of conservation of linear momentum, the sum of the momentum before and after the collision must be equal.

m₁ u₁ + m₂u₂ = m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂

where m₁ and m₂ is the mass of the collided objects, u₁ and u₂ are their initial speed while v₁ & v₂ is their final speed.

The linear momentum of an object can be defined as the product of the mass of the object times the velocity of that object. Conservation of momentum is a property held by an object where the total amount of momentum never changes.

Given the initial velocity of the car is u₁ = 2 m/s and the other car is u₂ = 1 m/s.

The masses of both cars is identical, m₁ = m₂ = m

From the law of conservation of momentum, find the speed of coupled cars (v),

m₁ u₁ + m₂ u₂ =m₁ v₁ + m₂v₂

m × 2 + m ×1 = m × v + m × v

2 + 1 = 2 v

2v = 3

v = 1.5 m/s

Therefore, the speed of the coupled cars is equal to 1.5 m/s.

Learn more about the law of conservation of linear momentum, here:



If they have identical weights the momentum is 2*m for one and -1*m for the other one. The total momentum is m, while the total mass is 2*m, giving a final speed of 0.5 m/s :|