Transferring or sharing electrons between atoms forms


Answer 1
Answer: It forms something called a bond.

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naptha! hope i helped

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1000 mm equals 1 meter
1000 mm equals 1 meter. 

CuCl2 + 2NaNO3 mc023-1.jpg Cu(NO3)2 + 2NaCl What is the percent yield of NaCl if 31.0 g of CuCl2 reacts with excess NaNO3 to produce 21.2 g of NaCl?


The stoichiometric ratio of CuCl2 to NaCl is 1 is to 2. The stoichiometric ratio of 31.0 g CuCl2 is 26.95 grams of NaCl by converting the amount of CuCl2 to mole and multiplying by 0.5 and molar mass of NaCl.This amount is equal to 78.65% yield.

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The correct answer is D.
CO2(s) is a solid.
CO2(g) means it is gas.

So they differ in their physical properties.
Physical propertiers means that they differ in their look.

if eqaul volumes of 0.1 m naoh and 0.1 m hcl arw mixed, the resulting solution will contain a salt and what


It will contain NaCl.  The acid base reaction will look like this: HCl(aq)+NaOH(aq)⇒H₂O(l)+NaCl(aq)

The reaction occurs due to the fact that HCl (being a strong acid) will dissociate into H⁺ and Cl⁻ while NaOH (being a strong base) will dissociate into OH⁻ and Na⁺.  The H⁺ and OH⁻ will react together to form water and the Na⁺ and Cl⁻ will remain in solution as the salt.  (this is sometimes called a neutralization reaction since the HCl and NaOH neutralize each other.)

I hope this helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.

Why are alloys preferable at times?


Alloys are preferable at times because they offer interesting properties than pure metal. Alloys are made in order to modify or enhance properties, especially mechanical properties. Examples are stainless steel, brass and wrought iron.