Which of these was the main reason for Berlin conference


Answer 1

Answer:The Berlin Conference of 1884–85, also known as the Congo Conference (German: Kongokonferenz) or West Africa Conference (Westafrika-Konferenz),[1] regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power. The conference was organized by Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany; its outcome, the General Act of the Berlin Conference, can be seen as the formalisation of the Scramble for Africa, although some scholars of history warn against an overemphasis of its role in the colonial partitioning of Africa, drawing attention to bilateral agreements concluded before and after the conference.[2][3] The conference ushered in a period of heightened colonial activity by European powers, which eliminated or overrode most existing forms of African autonomy and self-governance.[4]


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The answer is D.


Answer is D hope this helps I<3u~

1.How and why did the universe begin?2.Whats the point of life? Why are we here?
3.Are we alone in the universe?
4.Are moral values relative or absolute?
5.Should the rich help the poor? Explain.


I guess the answer is going to be how you look at the question. I believe the God of the universe, who was before time, created the universe. I believe the Bible when it says God created the heavens and the earth and down to the last blade of grass. Some people are very zealous about the creation being done is exactly 6, 24 hr. days. However, the Hebrew words aren't that specific and we really don't know what time was like back then. So, if the scientist want to say it took a million or two for the change to happen, I don't find any problem with that. I do not believe people evolved from some random rodent running around (theory after the monkey theory). God made us - not because he was lonely, or needed someone to manipulate or to feed some ego. God made us because he loved us and wanted us to enjoy his handiwork and to fulfill His plan. However, God did not make man a puppet but gave him free will to make choices. Our job is to help people see what the path to eternal life is, to help others and to show His love to others. With God, we are never alone but if you mean is there life on another planet. That may be one of the great mysteries of life we just don't know yet. Moral laws are not just guidelines you follow if you want to or not. They are laws from God and should govern one's life. God gives us brains to listen to others and discern what is meant. The Bible, God's Word to man, tells us many times we should help the more unfortunate, take care of widows and children, help those in hunger and need. However, the Bible also says those that do not work and are able to should not be given food. God expects the able-bodied people to work for a living and not sponge off of other people just because we are lazy.

Hope this helps you some.

Which native american nation in the northern woodlands formed a union of nations called a league


ANSWERof this is iroquois.

How are lunar and solar eclipses similar?


Each eclipse is when the sun, moon and earth line up perfectly,
A lunar eclipse is when the earth passes between the moon and the sun. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun.

Hope it helped!