Acceleration occurs whenever an ___________________ force acts on an object.


Answer 1
Answer: Acceleration occurs whenever the forces on an object are unbalanced.

It's the group of forces on the object that's either balanced or unbalanced.
There's no such thing as "an unbalanced force".

Answer 2
Answer: Acceleration is known to occur whenever an unbalanced force acts on an object.

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The energy is water but i wanf to know how does it affect the enviorment?


It affects the environment because more animals and plants will grow. Down side is if there are bugs or insects that need water to live, if there's more water than more bugs. If bugs also feed on plants there could be an over population. 

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F - force
m - mass
a - acceleration 

We transform this formula to get a:
a= (F)/(m)


the Correct answer is 0.2


Which of the following monitors both vertical and horizontal movements along a fault? a. seismograph
b. GPS satellite system
c. Richter scale
d. Mercalli Scale


The correct answer is a. seismograph. This is the instrument used to detect and measure seismic waves. During an earthquake the infromation is recorded on a seismogram, which is the seismograph's record of earthquake waves. The GPS would monitor and measure how far a tectonic plate moves with respect to time.


A. Is the correct answer. I just took the test.


According to the exercise principle of balance, a workout should __________.a. address all components of fitness
b. focus on balance and coordination
c. target specific areas for improvement
d. vary exercise activities over time


a. address all components of fitness 

According to the exercise principle of balance, a workout should address all components of fitness.
b. focus on balance and coordination 
c. target specific areas for improvement 
d. vary exercise activities over time

According to the exercise principle of balance, a workout should:

a. address all components of fitness 


The Balance Principle dictates that each one training should be properly proportioned so as to realize best results. This broad principle operates at several levels of human performance.
All things 
moderately apply to sports coaching moreover general health and well being
This principle suggests that the proper mixture of coaching activities, diet, and healthy way habits are needed for the best functioning

A boat is headed due east across a river at a velocity of 25 meters/second with respect to the water. The velocity of the river current is 2.7 meters/second due north. What is the angle at which the boat will deviate from its original path?


V(b-w)= 25i +0j 

V(w) = 0i +2.7j 

The resultant velocity V(b -w) =Vb -Vw

Therefore Vb = 

The angle is calculated as follows:

ArcTan 2.7/25 = 6.16 degrees

The angle at which the boat will deviate from its original path would be 6.2 degrees. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.




plato user

Evan drew a diagram to illustrate radiation what do the arrows represent

A. Gases missing with particles

B. liquid moving through a vacuum

C. moving Particles

D. Electromagnetic waves


The correct answer to the question is D. Electromagnetic waves.


As per the diagram, the radiations are emitted by sun is coming to earth.

The radiations coming from sun is electromagnetic in nature. It does not require any medium for its propagation. It travels a long distance in vacuum or space to reach earth.

It contains both electric field and magnetic field which are perpendicular to each other and also normal to the direction of propagation. The diagram shows that the wave is moving in the form of crests and troughs.

If we consider the wave nature of radiation, then it is one way of transportation of thermal energy from sun to earth which is known as radiation.

Hence, the arrows drawn in the figure is electromagnetic waves.

The answer would be D, electromagnetic waves