How did the Truman Doctrine reflect on the US policy containment?


Answer 1
Answer: The Truman Doctrine reflected on the US Policy of Containment because both were against the spread of communism. The Truman Doctrine gave support to countries that resisted the threats by Soviet forces and the US POC was based on the idea to restrain the spread of communistic ideals. Basically the same thing. One bribed countries, and the other was an idea.
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Hope this helped ( :

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Elijah Muhammad ,a leader of the Nation of Islam , promoted


Elijah Muhammad, a leader of the Nation of Islam, promoted the black nationalism.

Who is Elijah Muhammad?

Elijah Muhammad was born on October 7, 1897, and passed away on February 25, 1975. Elijah Muhammad was a great leader. He was a believer in religion, an advocate, and a black separatist. Warith Deen Muhammad was a tethered son and was guided by his father as Elijah Muhammad.

Elijah Muhammad, who promoted black nationalism and the acceptance of black men and women. The white people are not displacing the black people. He is an advocate for black people to build unity across racial differences.

He is also the separating of the nation's. He was the leader of Islam. He was a good writer, having written many books as related to the black nationalism.

Hence, the significance of the Elijah Muhammad is aforementioned.

Learn more about on Elijah Muhammad, here:


Final answer:

Elijah Muhammad, as the leader of the Nation of Islam, advocated for racial separatism between White Americans and African Americans. His belief was based on the concept that African Americans couldn't thrive due to the climate of White racism. This approach was distinct from that of other civil rights activists, as it endorsed violence in response to violence.


Elijah Muhammad, a leader of the Nation of Islam, promoted the idea of separatism between White Americans and African Americans. Derived from his belief that African Americans were unable to flourish in an atmosphere predominantly influenced by White racism. This philosophy was based on the ideology that the environment was inherently against the progress of African Americans. Contrary to other civil rights activists of his time, he did not subscribe to peaceful methods of protest, supporting the notion of responding with violence to violence.

To elaborate on the Nation of Islam, it was established in 1930 and was known for its advocation of racial separatism long before the emergence of other proponents of the same concept. However, it is essential to stress that the beliefs and teachings of the Nation of Islam, as expressed by Elijah Muhammad and other members, differ significantly from traditional Islamic teachings, which values unity of the entire Muslim community irrespective of race or ethnicity.

Learn more about Elijah Muhammad here:


In the adventures of huckleberry Finn did the townsmen feel gullible in chapter 23?



This part of the amazing story of The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

it's just so funny. 

You have the King and the Duke that plan a lasts ONLY 10 seconds. The townspeople decide to DUPE the rest of the as to not seem gullible. Well, the whole town goes to the second show...with their minds bent on revenge. With tomatoes, and rotten fruit in their hands. But, in goes the other way! The King and the Duke along with Finn skeddadle from the town..making them look even more like fools.