MethaneProteinAlcohol can be found in beer, wine and liquor.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is alcohol. It is the common component in beer, wine and any liquor. Usually, alcohol is produced by fermentation of organic products containing glucose to produce alcohol, specifically ethanol, as the important product and the by-products water and carbon dioxide. 
Answer 2


The correct answer is alcohol. It is the common component in beer, wine and any liquor. Usually, alcohol is produced by fermentation of organic products containing glucose to produce alcohol, specifically ethanol, as the important product and the by-products water and carbon dioxide.

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2. A magnifying glass is an example of a _______ lens.A. converging
B. double-concave
C. plano-convex
D. plano-concave
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

3. If the distance from a converging lens to the object is less than the focal length of the lens, the image will be _______ the object.
A. real, inverted, and smaller than
B. virtual, upright, and larger than
C. virtual, upright, and smaller than
D. real, inverted, and larger than
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

4. Which of the following values represents an index of refraction of an actual material?
A. .25
B. 0
C. .5
D. 1.25
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

5. Which, if any, of these mirrors can produce a real image?
A. Plane
B. Convex spherical
C. No mirrors can produce a real image.
D. Concave spherical
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

6. When white light is incident on a prism, which one of the resulting color components will have the lowest index of refraction?
A. Yellow
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Orange
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

12. Which of the following is not a reason fluorescent lamps are advantageous over incandescent lamps?
A. Fluorescent lamps operate at a higher temperature than incandescent lamps.
B. Fluorescent lamps are more efficient than incandescent lamps.
C. Fluorescent lamps dissipate more energy as light instead of heat than incandescent lamps.
D. Fluorescent lamps produce light with less glare than incandescent lamps.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of electromagnetic waves?
A. They can travel through a vacuum.
B. They can be refracted.
C. They can be reflected.
D. They can travel at various speeds through any one material.
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

16. A ray at which angle would produce the most glare?
A. 37 degrees
B. 70 degrees
C. 25 degrees
D. 59 degrees
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect

18. Which of the following statements is true of glare control?
A. Using bulbs that aren't frosted will help to diffuse the light and reduce glare.
B. Special care must be taken to prevent glare where a low illuminance is required.
C. Redirecting lamp fixtures and adjusting bulb types will do little to control glare.
D. Indirect lighting is preferred to direct lighting because it produces less glare.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

19. Which of the following objects uses two converging lenses to produce two images, the second of which is virtual, magnified, and inverted?
A. Slide projector
B. Compound microscope
C. Corrective eyeglasses
D. Camera
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

20. The light intensity of a source is 100 candelas. The illuminance on a surface is 4 lux. How far is the surface from the source?
A. 4 meters
B. 6 meters
C. 5 meters
D. 7 meters
Student Answer: B
Answer: Incorrect


The answer to question 2 is C. A magnifying glass is an example of a plano-convex lens, where one side of the lens is flat and the other is a convex curve. The answer to question 3 is either B or C. A converging lens is curved on both sides and so the rays of light coming out of it converge at a point, which is known as the focal point. When the object is inside the focal point, the image is real and inverted. If it is inside the focal point, the image is virtual and upright. Therefore the image in this question will be upright. The focal length is the distance between the image that is being magnified and the centre of the magnifying lens. A real image can only be formed when the object is further away from the lens than the focal length. Therefore, in this question, the image is virtual, as the object is closer to the lens than the focal length. The answer to question 4 is D because the index of refraction cannot be less than 1. The answer to question 5 is D because only concave mirrors can produce real images; other types produce virtual images. For question 6, the answer is D. In the rainbow, each of the colours refracts at a slightly different angle; red has the smallest refractive index and violet the largest. Of the options, orange is closest to red. For question 12, A is the answer. A higher operating temperature is not a reason fluorescent lamps are better than incandescent lamps because they have a lower operating temperature. Question 15: all of these are characteristics of different electromagetic waves. For question 18, B is true - special care must be taken when low illuminance is required to reduce glare. The answer to question 19 is B - a compound microscope makes use of two lenses. For question 20, the answer is 5 meters away. The illuminance (E) is equal to light intensity (I) divided by the square distance from the light source (d). Therefore, 4 = 100/d squared. To switch this around, d squared is equal to 100/4 = 25. Then find the square root of 25, which is 5.

A container can hold 65g of water. circle the conversion factor needed to find the mass of water that 5 identical containers can hold


Than you for posting your question here. I hope the answer helps. 

The answer as to be grams (g) since you it is aske for mass. What you have for units is 1/g. 

Very close. The factor is 5. 
answer is 5 * 65 g of water.

A beaker with water and the surrounding air are all at 24°C. After ice cubes are placed in the water, heat is transferred from:(1) the ice cubes to the air
(2) the beaker to the air
(3) the water to the ice cubes
(4) the water to the beaker


The answer is (3) the water to ice cubes.

As the ice cubes should be at a temperature of about 0 degree ( freezing point) , at the same time the temperature of water is 24 degree. Thus, heat is transferred from water to ice cubes.
(3) the water to the ice cubes
  This is so because the ice cubes are colder compared to their surrounding objects.
They absorb the heat from the water, cooling it, therefore vanishing(melting).

How many hybrid orbitals are found in CCl4?



For central atom C

The formula to calculate hybridization is:

n= 1/2 [group no. central atom +no. of monovalent atoms attached to central metal atom (except oxygen) + magnitude of negative charge - magnitude of positive charge]  

n= 1/2 [4 +4 + 0-0]  

n= 1/2 [8)  


The hybridization is sp3 and the electron geometry is tetrahedral  

the answer is FOUR 4
hope this helps ;)

Why do goldfish in a crowded bowl have a better chance of survival in cold water than in warm water


Due to high amount of dissolved oxygen in cold water, goldfish have a better chance of survival.

what is dissolved oxygen?

Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen that is present in the water bodies.

As dissolved oxygen is very much important for the aquatic animals because their survival depends on the water. When we increases the temperature of water then the amount of dissolved oxygen decreases which cuts off the supply of oxygen to the aquatic animals. That's why every aquatic specie has a better chance of survival in the cold water, due to presence of the abundant dissolved oxygen.

Hence, goldfish has a better survival in cold water because of dissolved oxygen.

To learn more about dissolved oxygen, visit below link:

Gases are less soluble in warm water, which means that the oxygen leaves the water and the fish dies. Cold water keeps oxygen in for longer.