Which ion is the only negative ion present in an aqueous solution of an Arrhenius base?(1) hydride ion (3) hydronium ion
(2) hydrogen ion (4) hydroxide ion


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is option 4. It is the hydroxide ions that is produced by an Arrhenius base in water. According to Arrhenius, acid-base reactions are characterized by acids which forms hydronium ions in water and bases which dissociates in aqueous solution to form hydroxide ions. 

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a) They are solid at ambient temperatures of 25 ° C and pressure of 1 atm.

b) Ionic compounds represent high temperature melting and boiling.

 c) They are hard and brittle and then subjected to the impact, break easily, creating planar faces.

d) When dissolved in water, or pure liquid, carry electrical current due to the existence of ions that move freely and can be attracted by the electrodes, closing the electric circuit.

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The correct answer is the first option. If an object receives energy from heat flow, the molecules of that object will move faster because temperature and kinetic energy is directly proportional. As the heat is added, the temperature increases therefore increasing the kinetic energy of the molecules resulting to a faster motion.

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Which of these 1 M solutions will have the highest pH?(1) NaOH (3) HCl(2) CH3OH (4) NaCl



(1) NaOH


NaOH, sodium hydroxide is a base. HCl, hydrochloric acid is an acid. CH3OH, methanol is an alcohol. NaCl, sodium chloride is salt.  

pH below 7.0 is acidic, pH above 7.0 is basic, and pH at 7.0 is neutral.  

Since NaOH is the only base in among the given compounds, its pH will above 7.0. Therefore, NaOH will have the highest pH.  

Final answer:

NaOH solution will have the highest pH.


The solution with the highest pH would be the one that is basic, as basic solutions have higher pH values. Among the given options, NaOH is a strong base and dissociates completely in water to produce OH- ions, which makes the solution highly basic.

Learn more about pH of solutions here:
