What is the total number of joules released when a 5.00-gram sample of water changes from liquid to solid at 0°C?(1) 334 J (3) 2260 J
(2) 1670 J (4) 11 300 J


Answer 1
Answer: Energy released from changing the phase of a substance from the liquid phase to solid phase can be calculated by using the specific latent heat of fusion. The heat of fusion of water at 0 degrees Celsius is 334 J/g. Calculation are as follows:

Energy = 5 grams x 334 J/g
Energy = 1670 J
Answer 2


It’s 2)


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To solve this, we multiply the each mass of the isotope by the percentage of abundance of each isotope. 

average molecular weight = 0.6129(68.72amu) + 0.3971(70.92) = 70.28 amu

The valence of aluminum is +3, and the valence of chlorine is –1. The formula for aluminum chloride iscorrectly written as
A. ClAl3.
B. Cl3Al.
C. AlCl3.
D. Al3Cl.


The correct option is C.i.e. AlCl3Given:The valence of aluminum is +3, and the valence of chlorine is –1. Thus, 3 chlorine atoms each of (-1 charge )combine to make the charge balance because of Al (3+). Thus, 1 atom of Aluminum (Al) binds with three atoms of Chlorine (Cl).Thus, the net foromula becomes AlCl3


which is choice c.

Aluminium chloride

Chemical compound

DescriptionAluminium chloride is the main compound of aluminium and chlorine. It is white, but samples are often contaminated with iron(III) chloride, giving it a yellow color. The solid has a low melting and boiling point. Wikipedia

IUPAC ID: aluminium chloride

Molar mass: 133.34 g/mol

Soluble in: Water

Related Lewis acids: Iron(III) chloride; Boron trifluoride

Heat capacity (C): 91.1 J/mol·K

Other names: aluminium(III) chloride; aluminum trichloride

How do you find the name of the chemical formula Pb3N4 (the 3 and 4 are subscripts)


This is a salt because there is a cation and an anion.  Because lead can have multiple charges, its charge must correspond to the charge of the anion.  The charge on the N is -3, so the 4 N's equal a total charge of -12. Therefore, the total charge of the 3 Pb's must be 12, so each lead should have a charge of +4.  So the name of the compound is Lead (IV) Nitride. 

Final answer:

The name of the chemical compound Pb3N4 is Lead (IV) Nitride. The number of atoms of each element in the compound is represented by the subscript numbers, and the '-ide' suffix is used for the non-metal (Nitrogen). The Roman numeral indicates the oxidation state of Lead.


The chemical formula Pb3N4 corresponds to a compound made up of Lead (Pb) and Nitrogen (N). The subscript numbers (3 and 4) denote the number of atoms from each element present in the compound. Considering that Lead is a metal and Nitrogen is a non-metal, we use the '-ide' suffix for the non-metal in the name of the compound. Therefore, the name of Pb3N4 is Lead (IV) Nitride. The Roman numeral (IV) indicates the oxidation state of Lead in the compound.

Learn more about Chemical Nomenclature here:


Biotechnology can be both useful and potentially destructive. Choose one example of biotechnology and identify whether it has had a positive or negative effect on society. Explain your answer.


I am not going to give you a full research report, but one example is DNA fingerprinting via gel electrophoresis. This has definitely had a positive effect on society, as it makes forensics a much more certain and just process. Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate and arrange DNA strands in order of length. You can then compare this arrangement to determine whether or not it matches another DNA arrangement. It has a very high accuracy rating, so you can be almost certain that if you have two electrophoresis results that look identical, that both DNA samples belong to the same person. This is compelling evidence that can either acquit or condemn suspects with certainty.

If 0.25 mol of Br2 and 0.55mol of Cl2 are introduced into a 3.0-L container at 400 K, what will be the equilibrium concentration of BrCl ?? Br2(g)+Cl2(g) 2BrCl at 400 K, Kc= 7.0



[BrCl] = 0,13M


For the reaction:

Br₂(g) + Cl₂(g) ⇄ 2BrCl

kc = [BrCl]²/[Br₂] [Cl₂] (1)

If initial [Br₂] and [Cl₂] are 0,25mol/3,0L=0,083M and 0,55mol/3,0L=0,18M, the concentrations in equilibrium are:

[Br₂] = 0,083M - x

[Cl₂] = 0,18M - x

[BrCl] = 2x

Replacing in (1)

7 = (2x)²/ (0,083 - x)(0,18 - x)

7 = 4x²/ x²- 0,263x + 0,01494

7x² - 1,841x + 0,10458 = 4x²

3x² - 1,841x + 0,10458 = 0

Solving for x:

x = 0,0633. As [BrCl] = 2x. [BrCl] = 0,13M

I hope it helps!

Mass measures the amount of matter in an object

the weight of an object

gravity's effects on an object

the size of an object


Mass measures the amount of matter in an object... It would be weight that records the gravitational effect on an object.