OAS , EU , and NAFTA are examples of


Answer 1
Answer: OAS, EU and NAFTA are all examples of what is known as a "trading bloc". These trading blocs promote free trade amongst neighbouring countries; OAS was a trade agreement amongst countries in the Americas (Both north and south), NAFTA was only amongst North America (US, Canada and Mexico) while the EU goes slightly further; incorporating free trade with free movement of people, amongst 28 European countries. Although NAFTA is largely considered to have failed, OAS has had some success, while the EU is largely successful (I live in Ireland and I can get something from Greece for the same price as it costs in Greece for example.)

Hope I helped and please rate my answer :) 

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The moderate reforms that European socialists support are:

assistance for the poor

better working conditions

minimum wage laws

Socialism refers to a variety of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management, as well as the political theories and movements associated with them.

The Party of European Socialists (PES) is a social-democratic European political party.

The moderate reforms which European socialists supported were:-

• Assistance for Poor

• Better working Conditions

• Minimum wage Laws

• Lack of regulation for prices

Further Explanation:

The idea of European socialist supporting these reforms was to have distribution of equal wealth among all classes of the people within the country. They wanted that everyone should have luxury to live and afford things they want. Proper Assistance should be provided to poor that if that person is working for someone, she/he should be taken care of completely by the employer and along with this, Better working conditions should be provided in terms of technology and support so that nothing unfortunate occurs.  

Another reform which was supported by European socialists was that there should be a ‘Law’ which classifies “Minimum Wage” for everyone. Though, there were some European countries which opposed this reform. 22 countries out of 28 in European Union supported this reform whereas the other 6 countries support, ‘Sectoral Minimum Wage Regime’.  In year 2015, It was Germany that switched to Universal minimum wage regime as it introduced a national statutory minimum wage.

One more reform that was supported by European socialists was the ‘Lack of Regulation for Prices’. They wanted that a regulation authority should be there which looks after continuous increase in prizes of products related to commodity and then that authority should act accordingly.

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Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Reforms of European socialists

Keywords – European Socialist, Reforms, Wage Laws, Price Regulation, Working conditions, Wealth, Technology, Support, Minimum Wage.

Please helpp!!!!
In what way did the Americans break the rules of the 18th century warfare?


Final answer:

Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare through guerrilla tactics, irregular units, and unconventional weapons and tactics.


In the 18th century, Americans broke the rules of warfare in several ways. One major way was through the use of guerrilla tactics during the American Revolutionary War. Instead of engaging in traditional open-field battles, American forces used hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, and sniping to disrupt and weaken the British army. This unconventional approach was highly effective against the heavily regimented and predictable British forces.

Another way Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare was through the use of irregular and partisan units, such as militias. These units, composed of citizen-soldiers, played a critical role in the American Revolution. They relied on local knowledge, flexible maneuvering, and surprise attacks to undermine British control and achieve strategic objectives.

Lastly, Americans also challenged the rules of warfare by using unconventional weapons and tactics. For example, American privateers, privately-owned armed ships, targeted British merchant vessels during the Revolutionary War, disrupting British supply chains and weakening their economy. This asymmetrical approach to warfare helped tip the scales in favor of the American revolutionaries.

Learn more about Americans broke the rules of 18th century warfare here:



Answer: Hello. America did not ‘break’ the rules but here are a few things you may be looking for.

Explanation: English officers bought their commissions, America had no aristocracy, so commissions were based mostly on ability, experience and connections.

Targeting officers.

Use of militias.

Use of Irregular forces. Lining one’s soldiers in a row

standing up

marching them towards the enemy soldiers

standing in a line marching towards your soldiers

No hiding behind trees allowed!

The Ottoman empire grew and expanded after it conquered the


The Ottoman Empire, also known as the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

The Ottoman Empire began as one of the small Turkish statesthat emerged in Asia Minor during the decline of the Seljuk Empire.

The Ottoman Turks gradually controlled the other Turkish states, and continued to expand at the expense of the territories of the Byzantine Empire.

The answer is: Byzantine Empire.

The following sea is located where the lines 20 degrees north and 70 degrees east cross


The sea located at the intersection of the lines 20 degrees north and 70 degrees east is the Arabian Sea.

It is a northwestern extension of the Indian Ocean, surrounded by the Arabian Peninsula to the west and the Indian subcontinent to the east. Covering an area of approximately 3.86 million square kilometers, the Arabian Sea is a vital maritime route connecting the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.

It plays a significant role in international trade, shipping, and the movement of goods and people. The sea's warm waters support diverse marine life and contribute to the livelihoods of coastal communities in the region.

Therefore, the Arabian Sea is the answer.

Learn more about the Arabian Sea here:



Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Pictured below is a map with the lines of latitude and longitude. If you go to the 20ºN line and the 70ºE line, you will find yourself in water between the Arabian Peninsula and India. This is called the Arabian Sea.

Have a wonderful day! :D

For the question "Which best summarizes the result of major conflicts between Israel and Arab states?" why is Arab states expand their borders, while Israel launched an intifada wrong? And why is Israel expanded it borders, while Arab states lost land correct?


The Arab-Israeli conflict had started off because of the difference of religion and territory. The Arabs wished to expand however the Israeli would not hand over their land because of the significant value it carries to them and their religion. Some of the Arab states are a part of Israel which made the conflict grew even more

A. Israel expanded its borders, while Arab states lost land.