Object pronouns include you, she, he, it, and we.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be a. True

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Subject-auxiliary inversions not associated with questions


A. helping verbs
Have, has, had, having are what kind of words 

"To have" is a modal. Both modals and be verbs are called auxiliary verbs. 
Examples of modals: have, may, shall, can
Be verbs: be, am, is, are

Auxiliary verbs are  also called helping verbs. They are non-action verbs that only serve as a support to the main verb. Hence, they need ACTION VERBS. For example, we say "She HAVE dreamed about unicorns." and "We ARE eating the food our mother made." "Have" and "are" are auxiliary verbs helping the action verbs "dreamed" and "eating".

Final answer:

Subject-auxiliary inversion mostly occurs in questions but can also occur in non-question sentences, like the 'Just because...doesn't mean...' construction. This tends to create mixed sentence construction, which is less clear and not ideal for formal writing. Understanding and adhering to basic grammatical rules, like pronoun cases and subject-verb agreement, can enhance writing clarity.


The student's question is referring to a grammatical concept in English language known as subject-auxiliary inversion. This typically occurs in interrogative sentences where the auxiliary verb comes before the subject. However, it can also occur in situations other than questions, such as in negative expressions, conditional clauses, or in sentences that begin with certain adverbs.

A common instance that doesn't fit the interrogative format is the 'Just because... doesn't mean...' construction. While this is commonly used in speech, it's not recommended in formal writing as it results in a mixed sentence construction. The sentence structure lacks clarity and could confuse readers. Understanding and correctly using subject and object personal pronouns, maintaining subject-verb agreement, using pronouns clearly, and avoiding mixed sentence constructions can improve the effectiveness of your written communications.

Learn more about Subject-auxiliary inversion here:



Which sentence contains a properly punctuated and capitalized direct quotation? A. Henry exclaimed, Ow! A bright light is shining in my eyes! B. "After a long journey upstream," The narrator said, "The salmon lay their eggs." C. "Look at that red bird eating seeds at the feeder," called Grandma. D. "I will meet you", said Ted, "in the auditorium".


Well, A is wrong. There are no quotations!
B is also wrong, when continuing a sentence, the first word of the next sentence does not need to be capitalized. 
D is wrong because the comma needs to be inside the quotations, not outside. so your answer is C :)

The sentence which is properly punctuated and capitalized is

C. "Look at that red bird eating seeds at the feeder," called Grandma.

A. is wrong because there is no quotation marks, it should be written

Henry exclaimed, "Ow! A biright light is shining in my eyes!"

B.  is wrong because you don't need a capital letters at every break, only if it's a new sentence. It should be written.

"After a long journey upstream," the narrator said, "the salmon lay their eggs." 

D.  is wrong because the comma and period belong inside the quotation marks. It should be written

"I will meet you," said Ted, "in the auditorium."

Hope this helps.

Identify the one illogical comparison among the following examples.A. The truck’s engine is more powerful than the station wagon.

B. This station wagon has more seatbelts than does that truck.

C. When I drive a truck, I am higher off the road than when I drive the station wagon.

D. I like dark-colored vehicles more than light-colored ones.


A is the correct answer, hope I helped

Which of the following is a compound sentence?A. Anywhere you want to go, we will follow.
B. Do you want to go to the diner?

C. After the rain stopped, the girls decided to go to the park.

D. Erin and Maria are going to the mall, and John is going to the movies.


"D. Erin and Maria are going to the mall, and John is going to the movies." is the only option that is a compound sentence, since it contains two full sentences. 

What was the effect of the civil rights decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren? Who was affected by these decisions?


Under Earl Warren many influential civil rights decisions were made. He is seen as a very effective leader and a successful Chief Justice. One of the most important decisions made in his term was brown vs. board of education in 1954, which was the first decision to make segregation in schools illegal. Under his influence, this case that had the court undecided passed unanimously. The main affected were segregated people, who would later start movements such as the Civil Rights movements inspired by these decisions.

1. Thurgood Marshall believed that affirmative action was needed because most African Americanswere disadvantaged.2. African Americans had been discriminated against for hundreds of years, first as enslaved peopleand then by Jim Crow laws.3. Even though Congress had passed legislation to prevent discrimination, a large percentage of theAfrican American population was still poor and undereducated.4. Marshall and others believed that affirmative action would “level the playing field” for AfricanAmericans. It would help African Americans find better jobs and get better education.Analyze Cause and Effect What was the effect of the civil rights decisions of the Supreme Court underChief Justice Earl Warren? Who was affected by these decisions?1. The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren overturned old laws that legalizeddiscrimination and set precedents for other laws that outlawed discrimination.2. In the decision for Brown v. Board of Education, the court struck down the idea of segregatedschools that had been established by Plessy v. Ferguson in the late 1890s.3. Plessy had set up the idea of “separate but equal.” In Brown v. Board of Education, Warren saidthat schools could no longer be segregated by race.4. This allowed African Americans to attend previously all-white schools and universities.5. The Supreme Court also addressed discrimination against Mexican Americans. In Hernandez v.Texas, the Warren court said it was illegal to exclude Mexican Americans from sitting on trial juries. That is all I got plz mark brainliest when you got time! 

Sentence structure. 1. In 1984, Byron Lichtenberg, who is a biomedical engineer, became a member of a spacecraft crew. 2. Lichtenberg discovered that dealing with zero gravity was difficult.


A simple sentence has only one independent clause. A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses. A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and one dependent.
Having this in mind, 1. is a complex sentence, and 2. is also a complex sentence.