On a scale of 1-5, rate your confidence in choosing a college major. Why did you choose that number ? Explain.


Answer 1




nowadays, many organization dont really need your cert of education. they only see your skills..

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How does poverty and unemployment result in some of people being unable to bury their loved ones with dignity and respect?


Poverty and unemployment leave people out of money and often unable to cover even their most basic necessities, such as food and shelter (meaning the bills for the water and gas). This means that they are also unable to cover the costs of the funeral for their family members and might be forced to leave it to the state who might not be able to provide the best service possible (and might for example perform the ceremony next to a loud street)

What can be inferred from the following lines from the play Everyman? Beauty, Strength, and Discretion do man forsake, Foolish friends and kinsmen, that fair spake-- All fleeth save Good Deeds, and that am I Friends and kinsmen are not to be trusted because they may all be foolish. Only a person’s good deeds remain with him or her in the afterlife. Beauty, strength, and discretion have a tendency to flee. Good deeds do not necessarily accompany beauty and strength.


Everyman is morality play. Your good and evil deeds are going to be answered in the afterlife and you should struggle for the sake of good although there are difficulties which is depicted in the play. Good deeds is a character in the play which guides Everyman to his final judgement. In the play Good deeds is she because sympathetic characters of the nature can be represented better through female personification.

I believe the answer is that 'only a person's good deeds remain with him or her in the afterlife'. It is important to be a good person and do good, and everything else is fleeting, it will disappear. But you will be awarded for your good deeds. 

Which word in the sentence does the adverb clause modify? The day feels warmer since the sun came out.
a. since
b. warmer
c. feels
d. day


The adverb clause here is "since the sun came out" - it gives some information about the timing of the event.

It modifies "feels" (actually I would say that it modifies the phase "feels warmer") - this "feeling" happens since the sun came out, that's when it started!

How macoushi Indians made wourali
including the ingredients and the method ​



The Macushi people are an indigenous group from South America, primarily found in Guyana, Brazil, and Venezuela. They are known for their use of curare, a toxic substance often used for blow darts and arrows, rather than "wourali," which is likely a variation or misspelling of the word "curare." Curare is a poison derived from certain plants and used for hunting by indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest.

Here's a general overview of how the Macushi and other indigenous groups prepare curare:


Curare vine (Chondrodendron tomentosum or similar species)

Other plant ingredients that may vary depending on the tribe's specific recipe.

Pot or container for boiling.


Harvesting Curare Vine: The first step is to gather the curare vine, which contains the toxic compounds necessary for making curare. The Macushi and other indigenous groups usually use the roots, bark, and stems of the vine.

Preparing Other Ingredients: The Macushi and other tribes might include other plant ingredients in their curare recipes to enhance its potency and effectiveness. The exact recipe can vary between tribes and even between individuals.

Boiling: The gathered curare vine parts are typically chopped into smaller pieces and then boiled in water. This process extracts the toxic alkaloids from the plant material.

Reducing the Liquid: The resulting liquid from boiling is often reduced by simmering it further. This helps concentrate the toxic compounds.

Testing: It's essential to test the curare's potency during the preparation process. Tribespeople might test it on animals to ensure its effectiveness as a hunting poison.

Final Product: Once the curare is potent enough, it is ready to be applied to blow darts or arrows. The curare is usually applied to the tips of the darts or arrows using a brush or some other method.

Hunting: The poisoned blow darts or arrows are used for hunting. When the dart or arrow strikes an animal, the toxins paralyze the prey's muscles, leading to its eventual immobilization and death.


The indigenous Macushi people in South America use curare, not wourali, for hunting. Curare is made from the curare vine and other plant ingredients. Here's how they make it:

1. Harvest the curare vine, including the roots, bark, and stems.

2. Prepare other plant ingredients, which can vary depending on the tribe.

3. Chop the curare vine into small pieces and boil it in water.

4. Simmer the liquid to concentrate the toxic compounds.

5. Test the potency of the curare, often by trying it on animals.

6. Apply the curare to blow darts or arrows.

7. Use the poisoned darts or arrows for hunting, as the toxins paralyze the prey's muscles and lead to its immobilization and death

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? A. I understand that Dr Elliott earned his M.D. at Columbia University. B. I understand that Dr. Elliott earned his M.D. at Columbia University. C. I understand that Dr, Elliott earned his MD at Columbia University.


"B. I understand that Dr. Elliott earned his M.D. at Columbia University" has correct punctuation since these are all proper titles, although it's not uncommon to see "MD" without periods. 

Match the gods from Greek mythology with the domains that they ruledsky







Sky: Zeus

Music: Apollo

Seas: Poseideon

Literature: Athena

Wealth: Hades

Beauty: Aphrodite


  I picked Athena as the goddess of literature because to her are attributed to some inventions of arts and literature. But researching I bump with the fact that there is no god to whom attribute the literature. But there were nine Muses, Greek goddesses of poetic inspiration. They were:

Klio (Historiography)

Melpomene (Tragedy)

Thalia (Comedy)

Euterpe (Poetry, Lyrics)

Erato (Love poetry)

Polyhymnia (Songwriting)

Kalliope (Epic, Rhetoric, Philosophy, Science)

  I hope the answer and its clarifications help you

Sky is Zeus
Music is Apollo
Seas is Posiden
Literature is Athena
Wealth is Plutus
Beauty is Aphrodite