Based on its use in the following sentence, what does conduct mean?The employee said, “This is no way for managers to conduct business!”

to improve
to confuse
to destroy
*to lead


Answer 1


The correct answer is the last option.


In the given sentence, the verb "to conduct" is used with the meaning of "to lead", which implies that the managers are in front of certain activities profitable for the company such as advertising, mailing, marketing strategies, etc.

The idea of "leading business" is that these managers are in charge of those commercial activities.

Answer 2
Answer: to lead business. I think

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"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time,through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."What appeal does he primarily use here?
A)ethos B)kairos C)metaphor D)personification


It is the appeal of ethos that is used here, since in general the speaker is appealing to the emotions of the population on a scale that is associated with movement. 

Ethos is a Greek word that means there is an implicit or explicit set of beliefs, actions, morals or ideologies that must be followed in the actions of a group or nation. This can be seen for example here: ...towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven...

This is the main idea implied in this text. Correct.

Kairos is a way of appealing to aptness, properness of an action to a given situation. Even though a precise behavior is implied for the situation in the text this is not primarily used. Incorrect

A metaphor is a word or sentence used with an object that cannot literally accomplish the action given, a comparison that is implicit, expressing something hidden under the words given. This doesn't happen in this text. Incorrect

A personification happens when you assign human properties to an animal or object. in this case, there are no objects o animals. Incorrect

How do you summarize a passage? borrowing the exact words from the source restating a section of text from the source expressing the main ideas of the passage in your own words restating at least five facts in your own words


The best way to summarize a passage is by "expressing the main ideas of the
passage in your own words". Not only is the best best tactic but it also helps you memorize and retain the information better.

In order to summarize a passage you should express the main ideas of the passage in your own. Option C is correct.

A summary is a short retelling of a longer written passage, which reflects the  author’s  most important ideas. Summarizing helps enhance both your reading and writing  skills. To summarize, you must read a passage closely, detecting the main ideas and  supporting ideas. Then you must briefly write down those ideas in a few sentences  or a paragraph in your own words.

"Nonviolence: A Force More Powerful Than Electricity" by Peter M. Loveless1 In 1936, Mohandas Gandhi was asked if nonviolent resistance was a form of direct action. “It is not one form,” he answered. “It is the only form…It is the greatest…force in the world…It is.. a force which is more positive than electricity, and more powerful than ever ether.”

2 Nonviolence is a political force that has helped shape history. In many cases it receives less attention than violent conflict such as war or guerrilla activity. Yet is has often produced momentous change. Governments as entrenched as South Africa’s apartheid government, the British occupation of India, and communist Poland have crumbled in the face of ordinary, unarmed people.

3 How is it possible for people to bring about such change when confronting powerful opponents? There are various factors that contribute to the success of nonviolence.

4 First, it is important to understand how governments rule. Political power involves a relationship between the rulers and the workers. Local governments, schools, and businesses rely on the cooperation of the people to run smoothly. Even the most rigid states depend on this cooperation, although they may secure it through invisible forces such as fear or loyalty.

5 Sometimes people in a society are willing to obey the government due to a sense of helplessness or anxiety. Rulers can then behave as they wish. Subjects may withdraw their consent to be governed, however, and this can lead to the disintegration of power.

6 If there is widespread disobedience in a society, rulers will often inflict punishments. Maintaining control in this way requires that some citizens – often a police force or army willing to crush resistance – remain loyal to the government. In many cases, however, people refuse to give in to this kind of force.

7 Another important factor in nonviolence is the number of people willing to take action. Once a campaign of disobedience becomes widespread, it gains momentum and can become a significant force. As more people become involved in disobedience, it becomes harder for a government to control them with violence or imprisonment.

8 As author Gene Sharp writes, “The theory that power derives from violence, and that victory necessarily goes to the side with the greater capacity for violence, is false.” To attain victory

through nonviolence, however, people must understand the methods that are at their disposal. These tools can be divided roughly into three classes.

9 The first kind is symbolic or persuasive action. Protest marches, vigils, speeches, posters, banners, and the like may be used to gain support for a cause.

10 Another method is refusal to cooperate – a passive, but powerful, form of resistance. When citizens disagree with a law, they may disobey it. Workers may go on strike. This happened when Lech Walesa led the Polish people out of the grasp of Soviet control in the 1980s. By bringing an economy to its knees, strikes can result in the total collapse of a regime. Similarly, people can join boycotts or refuse to pay taxes, and government officials, police, and soldiers can all disobey orders. In the end, the entire system that props up a ruler’s power can be taken apart. Then the ruler is no more powerful than any other individual.

11 The third category of nonviolent action is intervention. People may intervene in order to disrupt a situation that they think is causing harm. Methods include sit-ins and peaceful direct action. People may act in ways that they know will lead to their imprisonment, which in turn focuses negative publicity on their opponents. One famous example of this occurred in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama, when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger.

12 It is often assumed that nonviolence methods take longer to succeed than violent approaches. In fact, the reverse may be true; in some cases, nonviolence has brought about change in a matter of weeks or days.

13 As Leo Tolstoy wrote, “Violence can never destroy what is accepted by public opinion. On the contrary, public opinion need only be diametrically opposed to violence to destroy its every action.”

14 Once a path of nonviolence is chosen, it is crucial to stick to that path. To shift to the use of violence is to adopt the tools of the oppressive regime. The use of violence can dissuade ordinary people from supporting a cause. Valuable allies may turn away. And, in the face of a heavily armed opponent, violence is unlikely to succeed. In contrast, nonviolent resistance has been described as “political jujitsu.” Nonviolence uses the force and weight of an opposing regime against itself in order to bring about the regime’s defeat.

As it is used in paragraph 7, the word momentum most nearly means:






Answer: Power

Explanation: It's saying it's uprsising in power

In The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, Jim sells his pocket watch to buy combs for Della, while Della sells her hair to buy Jim a chain for his pocket watch. This is an example of what literary element?


Answer: Irony

Irony refers to a rhetorical device in which what appears to be the case is in fact dramatically different from the reality. In this case, both Jim and Della believed themselves to be giving the perfect gift to the other person, not knowing that the other person was giving away the thing that was necessary for the gifts to work. This is an example of irony.

I believe this is an example of either situational or dramatic irony,

Which phrase defines “social context” best?


Social context is how people understand same things in different societies and different culture, that is, how ideas or things are used and interpreted by people.

How ideas or things (e.g., inventions) are used and interpreted by people defines “social context” best. Correct option is b.

The phrase "social context" refers to the broader social and cultural environment in which ideas, things, or events are situated and interpreted by people. It encompasses the social, historical, cultural, and political factors that shape the understanding, meaning, and significance of various elements in society. Social context plays a crucial role in influencing how individuals perceive and respond to ideas, inventions, artworks, or any other aspects of life. It provides the framework for understanding the relationships, influences, and implications that arise from the interaction between individuals and their broader social environment.

To know more about social context:


Complete question is:

Which phrase defines “social context” best?

a. persuasive, influential, and pleasing speech

b. how ideas or things (e.g., inventions) are used and interpreted by people

c. the ability to sift through and analyze media messages critically

d. a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, or technique

In "The Red-Headed League," why does Sherlock Holmes beat upon the pavement outside of Jabez Wilson's office?



He is trying to figure out if there is a tunnel being dug, and where it is headed.


He is trying to figure out if there is a tunnel being dug, and where it is headed.