compare the distance time graph for a fast-moving object with the distance time graph of a slower moving object


Answer 1
Answer: The slope of the distance/time graph is the speed of the moving object. 
So the graph for a fast moving object will have a greater slope than the
graph for a slower moving object has.

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Final answer:

Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as a solid, liquid, or gas.


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Final answer:

An increase in thermal energy causes molecules to move more rapidly and vibrate more quickly. Higher temperatures affect the distribution of kinetic energies and can cause phase changes.


When thermal energy increases, molecules gain more kinetic energy and therefore move more rapidly. This increased kinetic energy causes molecules to vibrate more quickly. As a result, the temperature of the substance increases. Higher temperatures also affect the distribution of kinetic energies among the molecules in a substance. At higher temperatures, more molecules have the necessary kinetic energy to escape from a liquid to the gas phase.

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Two forces, a 60.-newton force east and an 80.-newton force north, act concurrently on anobject located at point P, as shown.
Using a ruler, determine the scale used in the vector diagram.


The resultant of the force is 100 Newton in the direction of 36.90°.

What is vector quantity?

A physical quantity that has both directions and magnitude is referred to as a vector quantity.

A lowercase letter with a "hat" circumflex, such as "û," is used to denote a vector with a magnitude equal to one. This type of vector is known as a unit vector.

Let's learn vector addition and subtraction after first learning what a vector is. The simple arithmetic principles are not followed when adding or subtracting vector values. The addition and subtraction of vectors are conducted in accordance with a unique set of guidelines.


Force F₁ = 60 Newton east

Force F₂ = 80 Newton north

The resultant of the force is = √((60)² + (80)²) Newton = 100 Newton.

The direction of the force is = tan⁻¹(60/80) = 36.90°

Learn more about vector here:


1.0 cm = 10. N ± 1 N.

The scientific unit of force is the _________.a. watt
b. joule
c. newton
d. kilogram


The correct answer is C


The correct answer is c
