An automobile having a mass of 941 kg is driven into a brick wall in a safety test. The bumper behaves like a spring of constant 2.37 × 106 N/m and compresses 1.61 cm as the car is brought to rest What was the speed of the car before impact, assuming no energy is lost during impact with the wall? Answer in units of


Answer 1


v = 0.653 m/s



mass of auto mobile = 941 Kg

spring constant = 2.37 x 10⁶ N/m

compressed by the car = 1.61 cm = 0.0161 m

we have,

(1)/(2)kx^2 = (1)/(2)mv^2

v = \sqrt{(kx^2)/(m)}

v = \sqrt{(2.37* 10^6* 0.0161^2)/(941)}

v = 0.653 m/s

hence, velocity of car before impact is equal to 0.653 m/s

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physical.. think of it as a person putting on weight.. adding weight, but still a person. adding sugar, but still lemonade.
That's a physical change since nothing's really happening except for the flavor. Only the flavor changed cause you added something, but it's not a chemical

Which of the following is NOT an example of accelerated motion?A. an airplane taking off down a straight runway
B. a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path
C. a ball being thrown straight up
D. a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed


Accelerated motion  =  any change in speed or direction.

A.  No.  The airplane's speed is increasing.

B.  No.  The boulder's speed increases as it falls.

C.  No.  The speed of the ball decreases as it approaches the peak,
then it changes direction, begins to move downward, and its speed
increases steadily after that.

D.  Yes.  The cyclist's speed and direction are not changing.

Final answer:

Accelerated motion refers to any motion with changing velocity, including changes in speed or direction. Most of the examples provided involve accelerated motion, except for the bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed, as both speed and direction remain constant in such scenario.


In the context of physics, accelerated motion refers to any motion in which the velocity changes - either in magnitude (speed) or direction. This can be due to an increase or decrease in speed, or a change in direction. Examples of accelerated motion include an airplane taking off down a straight runway, a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path, and a ball being thrown straight up.

However, a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed is NOT an example of accelerated motion. In this case, the speed (magnitude of velocity) and direction are both constant, and therefore there is no acceleration present.

Learn more about Accelerated Motion here:


.Please explain to me how to find the momentum



momentum = mass x velocity


So ultimately, find the mass of the object (be careful since this is not the same as weight. Weight is your gravitational pull to the earth. This means that your weight different amounts on different planets. But mass stays the same on all planets, it's what most people call their weight.) and then find the velocity (2 meters/second north, etc.)

Now you can apply this to your problem

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Most oil classification experts will tell you that you've got to see it,
smell it, weigh it, and feel it before you can classify it.  The absolute
minimum is to SEE it, or else have somebody describe it to you. 
At the moment, we are totally bereft of any information regarding
your sample, so we're in no position to classify it.  We can't even
be sure that you really DO have a sample of crude there.  For all
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mixture of different hydrocarbons

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This is an excellent question that i do not have the answer to.

A cheetah ran 300 feet in 2.92 seconds. What was the cheetah’s average speed in miles per hour?


We will first convert feet to miles:
1 foot = 0.00018939 miles
300 foot = 0.056817 miles
Than seconds to hours:
2.92 seconds = 0.04867 minutes = 0.0008111 hours
Average speed :
v = d / t
v = 0.056817 miles / 0.008111 h
v = 70.05 miles per hour