What is the nitrogen cycle?


Answer 1
Answer: Nitrogen cycle is the series of processess where nitrogen and its compound move through the environment and in living organisms. The processes here include fixation, ammonification, nitrification and denitrification. Majority of Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen.

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Your answer is A my friend as the atomic number of an atom is determined by the number of protons

I would say option A

What is the proper name for vinegar?


acetic acid is the scientific name for vinegar
The word "vinegar" derives from the French vin aigre, meaning "sour wine." Its called Acetic acid or Ethanoic acid.
Its chemical formula is : CH3COOH or HC2H3O2.

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The proper name for vinegar is vinegar.
It consists of roughly 15% acetic acid and 85% water, with a small amount of natural vegetable colorants and volatiles (hence the differences in colours and odours between brown vinegar, white vinegar, cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, etc.)

The acid in vinegar is indeed acetic acid; however, 90 percent of all the acetic acid on the market is made in chemical plants. Almost all of that - 83 percent of the total - is made by reacting methanol and carbon monoxide in the formula


The rest is made by oxidizing either acetaldehyde or ethylene.

Vinegar is always made by fermenting fruit juices. It is a two-stage process, in which yeasts convert fruit juice to wine, then acetobacter bacteria convert the alcohol in wine to acetic acid. Because many nations' food laws prohibit the use of vinegar in edibles that is not made through the fermentation of fruit juice, they are very careful to only call fruit juice-derived acetic acid "vinegar."

Given the reaction below, which is the oxidized substance?
Mg + Cl2 Mg2+ + 2Clmc005-2



Mg+Cl2 = Mg2+2Cl


Firstly balance the equation


the oxidized substance=Cl2

What is the total charge of a nucleus of a nitrogen atom?


Every atom has the same number of electrons as there are protons, thus making every atom neutrally charged. Therefore, there is no charge in a nitrogen atom, or any atom to begin with. The only possibly charged things are ions.
  The charge of every atom is neutral. This is because the positively charged protons are cancelled out by the negatively charged electrons.

In kinetics, the order of a reactionA)depends on the rate constant
B)can be deduced from the balanced equation for the reaction
C)must be measured experimentally
D)depends on the concentrations of reactants
E)is the inverse of the entropy of the system


I think it should be C.  You can't always look at the chemical equation of a reaction and tell what order the over all reaction will be.  To do this, you need to preform experiments that have some concentrations held constant while changing others to see how the concentrations affected the rate.  After enough trials with enough concentrations held constant and changed, you will be able to determine the order of each reactant which will give you the order of the overall reaction.

I hope this helps.  Let me know in the comments if anything is unclear.

2) El plomo (Pb) tiene de número atómico (Z) 82 y de número másico (A) 207. Las partículas delátomo neutro son:
a. Número de protones _______________
b. Número de electrones _______________
c. Número de neutrones _______________


El número de electrones en uno átomo es igual al número de protones. El número de neutrones es el diferencia entre el número másico del átomo y el número atómico. Usted debe aprender esta fórmula en caso de que sea en un examen o una prueba. ¡Puedes hacerlo!