Family sizes grew smaller during the Agricultural Revolution true or false


Answer 1
Answer: Family sizes grew smaller during the Agricultural Revolution.

Answer: False

Family sizes actually grew. 

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"Oil" is the only option from the list that is a fossil fuel, since it comes from under the ground and has formed literally through the decay of many ancient fossils. 

oil is the answer

hope it helps

Many native-born Americans wanted to restrict immigration to the United States in the late 1800s. Which statement does not describe a reason they gave?a. They objected to paying for social services for immigrants.
b. They said there was no more room in the country to take in more immigrants.
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"b. They said there was no more room in the country to take in more immigrants" was not usually an argument given since the nation was still expanding to some extent, with plenty of room in the midwest and west. 

What kind of government was enacted by the Athenian Assembly? democracy

b.representative democracy





The correct answer is A. The kind of government that was enacted by the Athenian Assembly was the direct democracy.


The first records that are preserved of direct democracy come from the ancient Athenian democracy, beginning in 507 BC. This experience lasted approximately two centuries, during which power fell to an assembly in which all male citizens who were not slaves or foreigners took part. The public offices were chosen by lot, and a representative elected by the assembly was in charge of leading the city's army.

The small size of the city-state of Athens at that time (around 45,000 people) and the restrictive conditions to be considered a citizen (only the non-slave men born to an Athenian father and mother were) minimized the logistical difficulties inherent to this form of government.

A. Direct democracy. The Greek cities (Athens, Sparta, Carthage, etc) were among the first to have a direct democracy government. The Roman's were the first to have a republic. Hope that helps!

To more fully understand the context of the letter above what would you, as a historian, need?


Primary sources are sources that were created during the historical period that you are studying. Just about anything that existed or was created during that time period can count as a primary source — a speech, census records, a newspaper, a letter, a diary entry, a song, a painting, a photograph, a film, an article of clothing, a building, a landscape, etc. Primary sources are documents, objects, and other sources that provide us with a first-hand accountof what life was like in the past.

Determining what is a primary source and what isn’t can get tricky — what do you do, for example, with a recent recording of your aunt talking about her experiences during the Civil Rights Movement? It wasn’t created at the time, but it’s still a first-hand account. Eyewitness accounts like oral history interviews and memoirs or autobiographies, even those recorded recently, are considered primary sources because the memories that eyewitnesses reveal in those sources were created in that historical time period, even if those memories were not talked about or formally recorded until much later.

It can get even trickier. The movie Gone With The Wind is not a primary source about the Civil War and Reconstruction, even though it is a movie about that time period. It wasn’t created during that time period and it is purely a work of fiction and therefore it can’t provide us with any credible information about that era. It could, however, be used as a primary source for the Great Depression since the movie and the book on which it was based were both produced during that period. A fictional film produced in 1930s can tell us nothing credible about the 1860s, but it could certainly tell us a lot about what people were interested in during the 1930s — their fantasy world, their dreams, their view of history, and their tastes in film. If you were writing a paper about American culture in the Depression, this would be an excellent primary source, but for a paper about slavery, it would be horrible!

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The federalist papers were intended to convince the colonists and the states to ratify the constitution, since the Federalists believed that a stronger federal government would be better.