Which part of the cell membrane is polar and allows the cell to exist in water


Answer 1


The Phospholipid head which contains a phosphate group


The cell membrane contains phospholipids.

The Phospholipid bilayer is made up of phospholipids

Phospholipids consist of a hydrophobic tail (non-polar and is repelled by water)

It also consists of a polar head which is polar because it has a phosphate group which is negatively charged and therefore is hydrophilic (water-loving)

Answer 2
Answer: Phosphate groups are polar and allow the cell to exist in water.

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Final answer:

A germ cell in the testis in Metaphase II of Meiosis has 23 chromosomes.


In Metaphase II of Meiosis, the chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell and are ready to be separated into two daughter cells. Each daughter cell will receive half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In humans, the diploid number of chromosomes in a somatic cell is 46, while the haploid number of chromosomes in a germ cell is 23.

Therefore, in Metaphase II of Meiosis, a germ cell in the testis would have 23 chromosomes.

Learn more about total chromosomes in a germ cell in metaphase of meiosis ii here:



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