How did the Indian Removal Act of 1830 lead to the Trail of Tears? What impact did that have on the Cherokee nation?


Answer 1

Since this Indian tribe was essentially compelled to give up their land and relocate, I believe the Indian Removal Act of 1830 resulted in the Trail of Tears. The Cherokee Nation was affected by this in that they were forced to disperse, families were divided, and they were forced to leave the country where they were born and raised.

Which impact did the Trail of Tears have on the Cherokee people?

Due to its tragic results, the Cherokee people gave this trek the nickname "Trail of Tears." On the forced march, the migrants had to contend with starvation, illness, and tiredness. Out of the 15,000 Cherokees, over 4,000 perished.

The Trail of Tears was started by the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which specifically targeted the Southeast's Five Civilized Tribes. The Federal Government negotiated treaties to free Indian-occupied territory for white settlers as permitted by the Indian Removal Act.

For more information about the Trail of Tears refer to the link:


Answer 2

Answer: The Indian Removal act of 1830 lead to the trail of tears because the tribes of Indians were in a way forced to give there land away and they had to move I believe out west. And the impact on the Cherokee Nation was that they had to split up and families were split and they had to leave the land that they were born and raised on.


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Final answer:

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The issue of counting the slave population arose during the birth of the United States. It was centered around the question of whether or not to count enslaved individuals as part of a state's total population for both representation and taxation purposes.

This debate resulted in the Three-Fifths Compromise in the 1787 Constitution, agreeing to count enslaved people as three-fifths of a person for congressional representation and taxation. This was a controversial compromise because it effectively gave additional political power to the slave-holding states.

As part of this compromise, Three-Fifths of the enslaved population would be counted when determining a state's population for taxation and representation. The north and south continued to disagree on whether the 'extra' population of enslaved people should be counted, resulting in an imbalance of power in the House of Representatives and the Electoral College. Despite the abolition of slavery, the effects of this arrangement persisted into the 1920s, creating controversy around the process of congressional reapportionment.

Last but not least, it's important to highlight the change in the political landscape following the abolition of slavery. Once slavery was abolished, the states that once benefited from the three-fifths counting rule now faced a challenging situation. These states had population increases with the formerly enslaved individuals being counted fully towards their respective states' total population.

Learn more about Three-Fifths Compromise here:
