What symbolic meaning does the character of Virgil most likely represent in the Inferno?A. He symbolizes a haunted soul.
B. He represents human wisdom.
C. He symbolizes philosophy.
D. He represents man's sin.


Answer 1

"Inferno" is a poem written by the Italian poet and writer Dante Alighieri.

Virgil is a character in the poem that represents human reason which provides guidance and protection to humans. He guides Dante through hell and protects him from demons and monsters.

The correct answer is option B. The character of Virgil most likely represents human wisdom.

Answer 2
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "B. He represents human wisdom." The symbolic meaning does the character of Virgil most likely represent in the Inferno is that he represents human wisdom.

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b. the earthquake hit at 9:00. threatening their very lives.
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d. the earthquake hit at 9:00, threatening their very lives.


The correct answer is B

im not 100% sure but i think it is d

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Final answer:

In 'A Long Way Gone', Beah does not return to his home village Mogbwemo due to its destruction during the Sierra Leone Civil War.


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Learn more about A Long Way Gone here:



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B.Some beetles that can't fly are called ground beetles.
C.The hard forewings are called the elytra.
D.Many beetles that can't fly have the two elytra fused together.

Which of the following choices is a sentence fragment?
A.Beetles are the group of insects with the largest number of known species.
B.Beetles can be found almost anywhere.
C.Bodies dividing into three sections.
D.Some can't fly.

Rewrite the following sentence to eliminate the sentence error.

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Which type of sentence error, if any, is present in the following sentence?

Rhinoceros beetles are easy to handle, they are popular pets in Asia.
A.sentence fragment
Bcomma splice
C.There is no sentence error.

Which type of sentence error, if any, is present in the following sentence about the rhinoceros beetle?

Named for the signature horn on its head.

sentence fragment
run-on sentence
comma splice
There is no sentence error.


C.Bodies dividing into three sections



