European colonization of Africa was mainly due to its need for _____.


Answer 1

European colonization of Africa was mainly due to its need for raw material.

The invasion, territorial split, colonization and annexation of African territories during the period of the New Imperialism was know as The race for Africa, period which protracted from the 1880s to the beginning of World War I.

By the early twentieth century much of Africa, except Ethiopia and Liberia, had been colonized by European powers, despite the resistance Africa put up   against the attempt to colonize their countries.

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C is correct. Sorry about the late response. I was watching Once Upon a Time.                                                               

Protection for individual rights in U.S. society reflects the idea that all people havedivine rights
natural rights
right to consent
unlimited rights


The question is asking us to choose the idea that all people have certain rights, also known as the protection for individual rights in U.S. society. Those are not unlimited rights, just certain basic rights, such as the right to live, but also more rights than the right to consent. The origin of these rights is not necessarily divine, as even the atheists believe in those rights, so the best answer is : natural rights, that is rights that people have by birth.


Natural rights


short answer: took the test

actual answer:

-looking at the first option, we never talked about divine rights in the lesson, so how would we know what that is so its a no

-looking at the second option, we know that natural rights are essentially rights that we are born with, and that they can never be taken away, so yes we all have these

- right to consent means that that they protect our rights, and in return we agree to their laws. This one is close, but its talking about more what the question is

- unlimited rights, again, it was never talked about and what would that even mean, so its not this one

-in conclusion, option 2 natural rights makes the most sense, and answers the question

~thank you for reading my answer, and I hope that it helped~

What year did the aztecs give up their nomadic way of life?


The Aztecs gave up their nomadic way of life around the year 1300.

Why was frank palko convicted and sentenced twice in connecticut, even though the constitution promises protection from double jeopardy?


Frank Palko was first tried for first degree murder and was found guilty for second degree murder by Fairfield County in Connecticut.  This was appealed in the Supreme Court and was overturned.  He was then tried for the second time for first degree murder and was sentenced to death and first degree murder.  He was not protected under the Double Jeopardy provision because according to the Supreme Court at the time, only federal cases are protected by the provision.  Palko's cases were tried in the state justice not as a federal offense.

Answer: Palko’s attorney objected the retrial, claiming that it violated the Fifth Amendment that prohibited double jeopardy and stated that it applied to his case because it did apply to the states.


The Indus Valley is situated between what two nations?China and India
Pakistan and India
Pakistan and Afghanistan
China and Tibet


The Indus Valley is located between Pakistan and India Therefore the correct option is B.

This region, also known as the Harappan civilization, was one of the earliest urbanized societies in the world. It thrived along the banks of the Indus River, which flows mainly through Pakistan but also touches parts of India. The Indus Valley civilization developed around 2600 BCE and lasted until approximately 1900 BCE.

The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were the major centers of this ancient civilization. They showcased advanced urban planning, sophisticated drainage systems, and remarkable trade networks. The Indus Valley civilization made significant contributions to the development of human culture and remains an essential part of South Asia's rich history and heritage.

Hence the correct option is B.

To know more about Indus Valley visit:


which Robber Baron became one of the wealthiest people in the world by creating a trust that controlled most of the oil refineries in the United States


Trusts took control over like the whole industry - literally. 

This could become a huge risk over other small businesses. They made them run out of money, which lead to a decline, and eventually, the business would close. 

Trusts basically went like this: 

A guy takes control over what the industries do. He makes sure that their is no competition and runs the other's outa business. Sorta has to do with a monopoly. 

Robber Baron did something similar to what Rockefeller did. He took control by using a trust in the oil industry, and became wealthy.