In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?


Answer 1


Just took the quiz the answer is D. They overproduced goods.


Answer 2

in the late 1920's kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually led to large market crashes.

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The answer is common people and peasants against the ruling class of aristocrats.  France was a deeply divided country as the rich enjoyed privileges and wealth while common people suffered as they bore the brunt of the country’s problems.  This led to wide-spread unrest and eventually revolution.


oppressed common people and peasants against the ruling class of aristocrats


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i agree, best answer choice is A.
the answer is A to keep out barbarians. they didn't want the mongolians invaiding them

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Generally speaking, the number one essay writing rule would be "C. Always brainstorm before writing the essay," since it is much more effective to have a general idea in place before beginning to write. 

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Your answer is False.

Hope this helps.

Quakers, German farmers, and Virginia frontier people settled the:


Northern part of the Carolinas