Which of these lines provides important information for the rising action of the play? (10 points) Select one: a. And, for an earnest of a greater honor,/He bade me, from him, call thee Thane of Cawdor b. Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives. c. To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done:/The castle of Macduff I will surprise d. O Banquo, Banquo!/Our royal master's murder'd!


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "a. And, for an earnest of a greater honor,/He bade me, from him, call thee Thane of Cawdor." The line that provides important information for the rising action of the play is that 'And, for an earnest of a greaterhonor,/He bade me, from him, call thee Thane of Cawdor'

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Question: Which sentences in the story indicate that it is an ex nihilo type of creation story?Behold the first word and the first discourse. There was as yet no man, nor any animal, nor bird, nor fish, nor crawfish, nor any pit, nor ravine, nor green herb, nor any tree; nothing was but the firmament. The face of the earth had not yet appeared—only the peaceful sea and all the space of heaven. There was nothing yet joined together, nothing that clung to anything else; nothing that balanced itself, that made the least rustling, that made a sound in the heaven. There was nothing that stood up; nothing but the quiet water, but the sea, calm and alone in its boundaries: nothing existed; nothing but immobility and silence, in the darkness, in the night. Alone also the Creator, the Former, the Dominator, the Feathered Serpent—those that engender, those that give being, they are upon the water, like a growing light. They are enveloped in green and blue; and therefore their name is Gucumatz. Lo, now how the heavens exist, how exists also the Heart of Heaven; such is the name of God; it is thus that he is called. And they spake; they consulted together and meditated; they mingled their words and their opinion. And the creation was verily after this wise: Earth, they said, and on the instant it was formed; like a cloud or a fog was its beginning. Then the mountains rose over the water like great lobsters; in an instant the mountains and the plains were visible, and the cypress and the pine appeared. Then was the Gucumatz filled with joy, crying out: Blessed be thy coming, O Heart of Heaven, Hurakan, Thunderbolt. Our work and our labor has accomplished its end.
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PLEASE ASAP PLEASE HELPhere is the promtDrinking Water QualitySurface waters and aquifers can be contaminated by various chemicals, microbes, and radionuclides. Disinfection of drinking water has dramatically reduced the prevalence of waterborne diseases (such as typhoid, cholera, and hepatitis) in the United States. Other processes may also be used to treat drinking water depending on the characteristics of and contaminants in the source water.Common sources of drinking water contaminants include:Industry and agriculture. Organic solvents, petroleum products, and heavy metals from disposal sites or storage facilities can migrate into aquifers. Pesticides and fertilizers can be carried into lakes and streams by rainfall runoff or snowmelt, or can percolate into aquifers.Human and animal waste. Human wastes from sewage and septic systems can carry harmful microbes into drinking water sources, as can wastes from animal feedlots and wildlife. Major contaminants include Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and E. coli.Treatment and distribution. While treatment can remove many contaminants, it can also leave behind byproducts (such as trihalomethanes) that may themselves be harmful. Water can also become contaminated after it enters the distribution system, from a breach in the piping system or from corrosion of plumbing materials made from lead or copper.Natural sources. Some ground water is unsuitable for drinking because the local underground conditions include high levels of certain contaminants. For example, as ground water travels through rock and soil, it can pick up naturally occurring arsenic, other heavy metals, or radionuclides.Effects on Human HealthIf drinking water contains unsafe levels of contaminants, it can cause health effects, such as gastrointestinal illnesses, nervous system or reproductive effects, and chronic diseases such as cancer. Factors that can influence whether a contaminant will lead to health effects include the type of contaminant, its concentration in the water, individual susceptibility, the amount of water consumed, and the duration of exposure.Health effects of chemical exposure. Chemical exposure through drinking water can lead to a variety of short- and long-term health effects. Exposure to high doses of chemicals can lead to skin discoloration or more severe problems such as nervous system or organ damage and developmental or reproductive effects. Exposure to lower doses over long periods of time can lead to chronic, longer-term conditions such as cancer. The effects of some drinking water contaminants are not yet well understood.Health effects of consuming water with disease-causing microbes. Most life-threatening waterborne diseases caused by microbes (such as typhoid fever or cholera) are rare in the United States today. The more common illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites can result in stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, and kidney failure. Infectious diseases such as hepatitis can also occur. Hepatitis may be severe in people with weakened immune systems (e.g., infants and the elderly) and sometimes fatal in people with severely compromised immune systems (e.g., cancer and AIDS patients).
A definition of formal poetry is verse that A. sticks to certain traditional patterns. B. has no rhyme scheme. C. uses figurative language. D. is written in blank verse.

Which section of a personal narrative requires the most development? a. introduction
b. conclusion
c. character introduction
d. plot


D. Plot because a,b,and c is consider plot

Final answer:

The plot of a personal narrative often requires the most development as it consists of event sequences and details building the story. Other components like introduction, conclusion, and character introduction are crucial but usually more concise.


In writing a personal narrative, the plot often requires the most development. This is because the plot comprises the sequence of events and the details that build up the overall story. While the introduction and conclusion are crucial components of a narrative, and a well-fleshed character adds depth, these sections are often more concise and serve to frame the main events happening in the plot. A well-developed plot gives readers a clear understanding of the storyline, highlights the emotional journey of the character(s), and ensures they remain engaged throughout.

Learn more about Plot Development here:



Which of these poems is not an epic?The Odyssey
Paradise Lost
The Aeneid
Piers Plowman


It is Piers Plownman it is not an epic 


Explanation:piers plowman

Tone, volume, and pace are part of what body language?


answer is spoken language 

its part of spoken language as you can see its telling us what eactly were using here

Which sentence uses italics correctly? A.
I would like to read you this short poem, titled Sunrise.

The song Edelweiss is sung as a farewell by the Von Trapp family in The Sound of Music.

It seems as if nevertheless is his favorite word; he used it four times in one paragraph.

In that new cookbook, turn to the chapter titled Cooking with Pizzazz.


The italics unfortunately don't show, but I can tell you which worlds should be in italics in each sentence. 

A. Sunrise
B. Edelweiss and The Sound of Music
C. none (some would argue that "nevertheless should be in italics, but quotations may be more appropriate to set the word apart from the others as italics would only emphasize it.)
D. Cooking with Pizzazz

What does paragon mean?


Paragon- Role model, a companion,comparision , competition.

clearly describe a recent corruption and fraud case in the country headlines in the media: who the role players are, who got involved, the extent to which it linked to other crimes ,role played by the media and the state to deal with this crime .how the fraud and corruption affected the offender's career.


Controversial arms deal and bigger mansions involving President Jacob Zuma of South Africa has led to the use of public funds of about 23 million dollars. It has been a long time battle between prosecutors and the president to  charge him with this issue and has been proven a couple of times.