1. The most famous piece of Mesopotamian literature is A. the Scribe. B. the code of Hammurabi C. the epic of Gilgamesh D. ziggurat 2. The Egyptians learned about making bronze tools and using chariots from the A. hyksos B. sumerians C. "sea peoples" D. retricerians 3. The nile delta is called A. the cradle of civilization B. lower egypt C. upper egypt D. the fertile crescent. 4. The hammurabi code established what type of society? A. matriarchal B. patriarchal C. equalitarian D. caste system


Answer 1
Answer: The most famous piece of Mesopotamian literature is the Code of Hammurabi, which is B.
For the second question, the Egyptians learned about making bronze tools and using chariots from the Hyksos. That is option A.
One the third question, the matriarchal society was the society that established the Hammurabi code. This is option A.

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I believe the answer is: grew rapidly as people moved to urban centers looking for work

Between 1790 and 1900s, industrial revolution start to spread in America. This lead to the creation of many factories intended for mass production in urban centres. These factories provided many job opportunities that attracted many people from different background to move to urban centers and try their luck there.

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I am pretty sure that you mean Columbus here!

The three ships Columbus took in August 1492 were called
Santa Maria (the main ship)
Niña, (a really small ship).

The correct answer is the first one!

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