Dalton's ideas on atomic theory


Answer 1
Answer: The scientist thought that the atom was the smallest particle in the universe is John Dalton. He established the atomic theory which consists of five; elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms, atoms of different element have different sizes, mass and physic – chemical properties, atoms cannot be divided further, destroyed or created, atoms can combine to form compounds and in chemical reaction, atoms can be combined, separated or rearranged.

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  • Neptunium breaks down to produce plutonium used in bombs and americium.
  • it is also used in smoke detectors


  • Neptunium may be made by bombarding uranium with neutrons. However Neptunium atoms disintegrate to form plutonium.
  • Neptunium is useful. When Neptunium is bombarded with neutrons it is used to produce plutonium-238 which is used for spacecraft generators and terrestrial navigation beacons.
  • Plutonium used in bombs and americium. it is also used in smoke detectors.
  • Additionally, Neptunium is used in neutron detection equipment.

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Marie Curie


She was a physicist and chemist and also the first person to win the Nobel prize in physics

Okay i'm totally stuck and nobody I know really gets it either, so i've turned to Yahoo for help :) Basically there are four aliens on a planet. They want to go on a sea-saw. The end seats on the sea-saw are 2m from the pivot, and the middle seats are 1m from the pivot. The Aliens way 400N, 300N, 200N and 100N - which two can sit on the sea-saw (on any of the seats) and make it balance? It'd be a huge help if you at least help me work out the answer! :)


Here is the rule for see-saws here on Earth, and there is no reason
to expect that it doesn't work exactly the same anywhere else:

                     (weight) x (distance from the pivot) on one side
is equal to
                     (weight) x (distance from the pivot) on the other side.

That's why, when Dad and Tiny Tommy get on the see-saw, Dad sits
closer to the pivot and Tiny Tommy sits farther away from it.

       (Dad's weight) x (short length) = (Tiny Tommy's weight) x (longer length).

So now we come to the strange beings on the alien planet.
There are three choices right away that both work:

(400 N) in the middle-seat, facing (200 N) in the end-seat.

       (400) x (1)  =    (200) x (2)

(200 N) in the middle-seat, facing (100 N) in the end-seat.

       (200) x (1)  =    (100) x (2)


On one side:  (300 N) in the end-seat       (300) x (2) = 600

On the other side:
                      (400 N) in the middle-seat  (400) x (1) = 400
           and     (100 N) in the end-seat      (100) x (2) = 200
                                                    Total . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 

These are the only ones to be identified at Harvard . . . . . . .
There may be many others but they haven't been discarvard.

400N and 100N on one side and 300N and 200N on the other side

Which of the following is NOT an example of accelerated motion?A. an airplane taking off down a straight runway
B. a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path
C. a ball being thrown straight up
D. a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed


Accelerated motion  =  any change in speed or direction.

A.  No.  The airplane's speed is increasing.

B.  No.  The boulder's speed increases as it falls.

C.  No.  The speed of the ball decreases as it approaches the peak,
then it changes direction, begins to move downward, and its speed
increases steadily after that.

D.  Yes.  The cyclist's speed and direction are not changing.

Final answer:

Accelerated motion refers to any motion with changing velocity, including changes in speed or direction. Most of the examples provided involve accelerated motion, except for the bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed, as both speed and direction remain constant in such scenario.


In the context of physics, accelerated motion refers to any motion in which the velocity changes - either in magnitude (speed) or direction. This can be due to an increase or decrease in speed, or a change in direction. Examples of accelerated motion include an airplane taking off down a straight runway, a boulder falling off a cliff in a straight path, and a ball being thrown straight up.

However, a bicyclist moving in a straight line at a constant speed is NOT an example of accelerated motion. In this case, the speed (magnitude of velocity) and direction are both constant, and therefore there is no acceleration present.

Learn more about Accelerated Motion here:



What determines the atomic mass of an element? A.
the sum of the neutrons and the electrons

the sum of the protons and electrons

the sum of the ions and isotopes

the sum of the protons and the neutrons


D. protons + neutrons. Electrons have relatively small mass compared to them. 

A dart is thrown horizontally with an initial speed of 19 m/s toward point P, the bull's-eye on a dart board. It hits at point Q on the rim, vertically below P, 0.19 s later. (a) What is the distance PQ




The dart will go forward horizontally with velocity of 19 m/s. It will also fall downwards with initial velocity of zero and gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s².

Distance PQ covered by the dart can be calculated using the following formula.

s = ut + 1/2 at²

u is initial velocity , a is acceleration and t is time.

Putting the values

s = 0 + 1/2 x 9.8 x .19²

= .1769 m

= 17.69 cm.